An Update on the UK-Korea Relationship UK-DPRK & UK-ROK

Key information
- Date
- Time
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
- Venue
- Paul Webley Wing (Senate House)
- Room
- Wolfson Lecture Theatre (SWLT)
About this event
Two British ambassadors will talk about their work, the UK’s current relations with the two Koreas, and current issues on the peninsula.
Speaker biographies
Colin Crooks became Ambassador to the Republic of Korea in 2022, having previously served as Ambassador in Pyongyang. He joined the FCO in 1992, and has had other postings to Beijing, Jakarta and Washington as well as a previous posting in Seoul.
David Ellis was appointed as Ambassador to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 2022, although he has yet to take up his appointment in Pyongyang because of restrictions due to Covid. He joined the FCO in 1996 and has previously served twice in both Beijing and Tokyo.
There will be a Q&A session and a networking reception after the discussion.
To reserve your place please email your name, telephone number and names of any guests to events@britishkoreansociety.org.uk or sign up using the online booking form linked above.
Tickets are £10, but SOAS students and staff can receive tickets for free if registration is made using a SOAS email address and specify in the 'additional attendee' field of the booking form that you are SOAS student or member of staff.
- Organiser: British Korean Society in partnership with SOAS Centre of Korean Studies
- Contact: events@britishkoreansociety.org.uk