

  1. Eligibilty
  2. Application Process
  3. Overpayment
  4. Amendements to the Scheme

The Childcare Allowance Scheme provides financial assistance to employees who pay fees to a childminder, nursery or crèche for the care of their children during their working hours.

Any queries about the Scheme should be directed to hr-operations@soas.ac.uk in the first instance.

1. Eligibility

The scheme is available to all employees on grades 1 to 8 inclusive and have passed their probationary period.

Existing employees on grades 9 or 10, who were already claiming childcare allowance through the school as at 1st January 2018, will retain this entitlement until they have used up the allowance allocated or their child/ren begin primary school (whichever comes first).

Employees who satisfy the terms set out below are able to claim up to £25 per child per week, for a maximum of 44 weeks per annum.

Part time employees are entitled to a pro rata payment.

  • The allowance is payable for a maximum of six years.
  • Entitlement is per employee rather than per child.
  • Employees can choose to allocate the allowance between multiple children as they feel appropriate. For example, an employee could choose to allocate the allowance by claiming for two children concurrently for three years per child.
  • Payment in respect of any one child will terminate once the child starts primary school.
  • Allowance payments will only be made in respect of registered crèches, nurseries or childminders and will be reimbursed to the employee’s bank account.

2. Application process

Applications for grants should be made using the application form appended to this policy and submitted through Agresso .

The application should be accompanied by an invoice for childcare from the registered crèche, nursery or childminding service. The invoice must cover the entire period being claimed.

Please allow 14 working days for the consideration and processing of these applications from the date of submission.

  • Payments should be claimed on a quarterly basis via the Agresso Self Service System
  • You must ensure that you attach the childcare allowance application form and the official payslips/invoices from your childcare provider. An invoice must state the period it covers
  • To avoid rejections on the system, please ensure that the correct claim amount is entered (up to the maximum of £25 per week, per child) and not the amount on the invoice.
  • The maximum quarterly allowance for a full time employee is calculated as follows: £25 x 44 weeks = £1100 per year. This is divided by 4 (quarters) = £275. If your childcare costs less than £275 per quarter, only the amount on the invoice will be authorised. If you are a part time employee then you should multiple £275 by your whole time equivalent to get the pro rata allowance. If you are unsure of how to calculate your childcare allowance, please contact hr-operations@soas.ac.uk .
  • In order to receive payment for the quarter claimed, applications must be submitted within one month of the quarter end as follows:
Quarter claimedHR deadline for receipt of applications
1st Quarter1st August - 31 October30th November
2nd Quarter1st November - 31st January28th February
3rd Quarter1st Feb - 30th April31st May
4th Quarter1st May - 31st July31st August

Applications received after the above deadlines will not be authorised. There will also be no back-payments made for quarters that have passed.

  • Allowance payments will be paid at the discretion of Human Resources, who must be satisfied that the claim is valid and within the childcare allowance budget.
  • The Childcare Allowance is a benefit in kind and income tax will be payable on any payment received.

3. Overpayment

If for any reason there is an overpayment of childcare allowance (for instance if an employee resigns during the period for which the grant has been awarded), a refund will be claimed by the School from the employee’s salary.  The refund will be at the rate of £25 per child per week (or the actual amount claimed if the fees were less than £25 per child per week). The number of weeks to be refunded will be calculated from the final date of employment to the expiry of the grant.

By signing the application form, the applicant agrees to repay any outstanding amount that cannot be recovered from salary.

4. Amendements to the Scheme

The scheme may be withdrawn on three months’ notice.

The Executive Board may amend these conditions at any time but any such amendment shall not, without consent of the member concerned, affect any agreement made under the scheme before the date of the amendment.


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