Centre for Palestine Studies

Dr Mishana Hoss

Key information

Centre for Palestine Studies Associate Member Centre for Iranian Studies Associate Member
Email address


Dr Mishana Hoss is a lecturer in International Relations at the University of Oxford and an academic affiliate of the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights.

Her scholarship has focused largely on human rights in the Middle East, including her recent book The Human Rights Turn and the Paradox of Progress in the Middle East (Palgrave, 2018), which addresses questions of governance and the contentious politics of the region. She is also the founder of an international justice consultancy, MH Group, through which she has worked on several cases before the ICC, African Commission and Court, and United Nations. A recent submission made to the ICC by Mishana and her team played a role in the opening of a formal investigation into the possible commission of war crimes in Palestine during Operation Protective Edge.

Dr Hoss became an Associate Member of the Centre for Palestine Studies at SOAS in June 2021, and an Associate Member of the SOAS Centre for Iranian Studies in June 2024.

Research interests

Dr Hoss's current research interests, which are the topics of several working papers, include applying the novel concept of state psychopathy to international relations to explain state behaviour and determine "prescriptions" for achieving more peaceful, cooperative relations, as well as investigating the notion of a social contract in the Middle East and what models have worked/failed.

Contact Mishana