Dr Nadine Reis
Key information
- Roles
- Centre for Water and Development Research Associate
- Department
- Centre for Water and Development
- Email address
- nr34@soas.ac.uk
Nadine Reis is a Lecturer at the Department of Geography, University of Bonn. She is an expert on the political economy of water governance and finance, with many years of research experience in the Global South. Her PhD thesis investigated policy practices in water supply and sanitation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. For her work on microfinance in water supply and sanitation, her thesis was awarded the first prize in the 2012 young researchers competition of the German Development Bank (KfW) and the German Economic Association (VfS). Furthermore, Nadine has worked and published on issues of groundwater governance and the interconnections of water and finance in Mexico.
She is a Research Associate at the SOAS Centre for Water and Development, supporting the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network "Next Water Governance" (NEWAVE).
- Reis, N. 2012. Tracing and Making the State. Policy Practices and Domestic Water Supply in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Berlin: LIT.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
- Reis, N. 2017. A farewell to urban/rural bias: Peripheral finance capitalism in Mexico. In: The Journal of Peasant Studies (published online).
- Reis, N. 2017. Finance capital and the water crisis: Insights from Mexico. In: Globalizations. 14(6): 976-990.
- Reis, N. 2016. Good Governance as managerialism: Donors and rationalisation in Vietnam’s rural water supply and sanitation sector. In: Development Policy Review 34(1): 29-54.
- Reis, N. & P.P. Mollinga 2015. Public policy and the idea of the Vietnamese state: The Cultural Political Economy of Domestic Water Supply in Vietnam. In: Asian Studies Review 39(4): 628-648.
- Reis, N. 2015. Staat, Legitimität und Praktiken der Wasserversorgung im Mekong-Delta: Zur Konzeptualisierung von politischer Kultur aus kritisch-realistischer Perspektive. In: Geographische Zeitschrift 103(2): 65-79.
- Reis, N. 2014. Coyotes, Concessions and Construction Companies: Illegal water markets and legally constructed water scarcity in Central Mexico. In: Water Alternatives 7(3): 542-560.
- Reis, N. & P.P. Mollinga 2012. Water supply or ‘beautiful latrines’? Microcredit for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. In: Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies 5(1): 10-29.
Book chapters
- Reis, N. Finanzielle Abhängigkeit, Agro-Extraktivismus und Urbanisierung: Wie ländlich sind ländliche Räume in Lateinamerika? In: Meißner, M. & M. Naumann (eds.) Kritische Geographien ländlicher Entwicklung. Globale Transformationen und lokale Herausforderungen. Westfälisches Dampfboot, Reihe Raumproduktionen (forthcoming in 2019).
- Reis, N. Theorien ungleicher Entwicklung: Zur aktuellen Relevanz von Dependenz- und Weltsystemtheorien in der geographischen Entwicklungsforschung. In: Schneider-Sliwa, R., Wehrhahn, R., Helbrecht, I., & Braun, B. (Hrsg.). Humangeographie. Lehrbuch Westermann (forthcoming in 2019).
- Reis, N. 2017. Mexiko: Industrialisierung ohne Wirkung? In: F. Scholz (Hrsg.) Länder des Südens. Fragmentierende Entwicklung und Globalisierung. Diercke Spezial, Westermann-Verlag. Braunschweig, 110-114.
- Reis, N. 2013. Civil society and political culture in Vietnam. In: Waibel, G.; Ehlert, J. & H. Feuer (eds.) Southeast Asia and the Civil Society Gaze: Scoping a Contested Concept in Cambodia and Vietnam. London: Routledge.
- Waibel, G., Benedikter, S., Reis, N., Genschick, S., Nguyen Loan, Pham Cong Huu & Tran Thanh Be 2012. Water governance under renovation? Concepts and practices of IWRM in Vietnam. In: Renaud, F. and C. Künzer (eds.) The Mekong Delta System. Interdisciplinary Analysis of a River Delta. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.
Book reviews
- Reis, N. 2017. “Why We Can’t Afford the Rich” by Andrew Sayer. In: Human Geography 10(2): 99-102.
Other publications
- Reis, N. 2012. Den Hunger bekämpfen. Unsere gemeinsame Verantwortung für das Recht auf Nahrung. Herausgegeben von der Wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsgruppe für weltkirchliche Aufgaben der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz. Bonn.
- Reis, N. & P.P. Mollinga 2009. Microcredit for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in the Mekong Delta. ZEF Working Paper No. 49. Bonn.
- Reis, N., Synnevåg Sydness, G., Barton, D. & U.S. Nagothu 2007. Feasibility of Payments for Watershed Services, Part I. A methodological review and survey of experiences in India and Asia. Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Report No. 5393-2007. Oslo.
- Reis, N., Barton, D. & U.S. Nagothu 2007. Feasibility of Payments for Watershed Services, Part II. Evaluation of business opportunities. Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Report No. 5394-2007. Oslo.
- Borchers, K., Fuhr, L., Lauzemis, F., Lukas, M., Reis, N., Taraschewski, T. & D. Walter 2004. Globalisierung in Südindien. Keralas Bauern zwischen Weltmarkt und Subsistenz. Freie Universität Berlin, Occasional Paper Geography Nr. 30. Berlin.