Honorary Asma Khan in Time’s top 100 most influential people

SOAS Honorary Doctor Asma Khan, a renowned chef and owner of London's well-known restaurant, Darjeeling Express, has been acknowledged in Time magazine's esteemed list of the 100 Most Influential People.  

This notable accolade recognises Asma's impact as a culinary innovator, entrepreneur, and advocate for social progress. Describing her as a “ball of energy with a wicked sense of humor”, the Time’s piece acknowledges her all-female kitchen producing food that is distinctly different from other Indian restaurants. 

Asma was also awarded an Honorary Doctorate by SOAS for her work in the culinary landscape and her commitment to social change in 2023. She received this award alongside screenwriter Javed Akhtar, public health expert Professor Kevin Fenton CBE MBBS, and Buddhist scholar Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche. 

Asma Khan, photographed by Urszula Soltys

In the coming weeks, SOAS will be announcing its 2024 honorary awardees. 

Beyond the culinary realm, Asma’s involvement in initiatives such as the Mayor's Business Advisory Board and her involvement in the Ramadan Tent Project (started at SOAS in 2013) on its advisory committee exemplify her dedication to effecting positive societal change. Her forthcoming role as host of the documentary series "Tiffin Stories," focuses on the culinary traditions of the Indian diaspora, linking food to stories of Indian familial culture.  

Hero image: Darjeeling Express via Wikimedia Commons by Ming Tang-Evans.