Modern Languages and Linguistics ranked 10th overall for research excellence
17 May 2022
The Research Excellence Framework results for Modern Languages and Linguistics (MLL) are to be celebrated as an outstanding improvement.
We have been ranked 10th overall in the UK out of 47 HEIs nationally, rising 20 places during the REF cycle and outranking other leading London institutions.
Highlights included
- 4th for research environment, scoring 85% at 4* and an impressive 100% at 3* and 4* combined
- 8th for research outputs with half of the outputs classed at 4*
- Two out of our three impact case studies were graded as 4*, and we rose 15 places to 20th place nationally in that category
The submission showcased the work of 25 researchers, roughly half in Linguistics and half in Modern Languages.
Justin Watkins, Professor of Burmese and Linguistics, said:
"Congratulations to the SOAS researchers whose research in linguistics and literature has been shown to be of such high quality! We are very proud to continue the long SOAS tradition of exploring and examining the linguistic and literary heritage of Asia, Africa and the Middle East through the lens of linguistic diversity."