Publication of the Oxford Handbook of Qur’anic Studies, SOAS Centre of Islamic Studies

1 June 2020
The Centre of Islamic Studies is pleased to announce the publication of The Oxford Handbook of Qur’anic Studies , edited by Mustafa Shah and M. A. S. Abdel Haleem .
The Oxford Handbook of Qur’anic Studies :
- Offers the definitive collection covering the full-spectrum of contemporary international scholarship associated with the study of the Qur'an
- Provides detailed reviews of key topics and concepts prevalent in Qur'anic Studies
- Examines new departures and developments in the research discourses
- An indispensable resource for the academic study of the Qur'an, mapping milestones in the field
Muhammad Abdel Haleem, Kamal Abu-Deeb, Asma Afsaruddin, Anna Akasoy, Muntasir F. Al-Hamad, Ahmad Al-Jallad, Sulaiman bin Ali bin Ameir Al-Shueili, Herbert Berg, Sheila S. Blair, Stephen R. Burge, Massimo Campanini, Michel Cuypers, François Déroche, Yasin Dutton, Ayman A. El-Desouky, Jeffrey Einboden, Ziad Elmarsafy, Reuven Firestone, Geert Jan van Gelder, Sebastian Günther, John F. Healey, Valerie J. Hoffman, Tariq Jaffer, Jules Janssens, Maher Jarrar, Anthony H. Johns, Marianna Klar, Alexander Knysh, Bruce Lawrence, Oliver Leaman, Joseph E. Lowry, Ulrika Mårtensson, Mustansir Mir, Ebrahim Moosa, Robert Morrison, Harry Munt, Martin Nguyen, Johanna Pink, Ismail Poonawala, Efim A. Rezvan, Andrew Rippin, Sajjad Rizvi, Neal Robinson, Walid A. Saleh, Mustafa Shah, Nicolai Sinai, Stefan Sperl, Roberto Tottoli, Kees Versteegh, Stefan Wild, M. Brett Wilson, A. H. Mathias Zahniser