SOAS-Alphawood Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art opens applications for forum facilitators

The SOAS-Alphawood Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art is looking to employ several forum facilitators to participate in the online discussion fora that will be integral to our new online programme being launched in October 2024. 

The facilitators will make the new online modules more interactive by actively engaging with student's online module discussion fora. They will be expected to participate in the discussions as follows:

  • interact with their peers – making the learning environment more welcoming and less intimidating
  • enliven topics with different perspectives and contributions
  • help make the fora more dynamic, engaging and interactive

Forum facilitators will be expected to provide supportive and encouraging comments and suggestions to the online learning environment. They will enable students using the fora to build academic confidence and to stimulate their sustained engagement with the online platform. 

A relevant academic qualification is required to enable facilitators to contribute as senior peer mentors to current students. However, facilitators are not expected to act as instructors or academic advisors.

In the first instance, forum facilitators will be employed as consultants on a fixed term consultancy contract from October to December 2024. These contracts will run termly, with approximately 2.5 hours per week per consultant over 10 weeks at an hourly rate of £16 (except for reading week).

The Forum Facilitators will report to the programme Director – Dr Malcolm McNeill - with support from the SOAS-Alphawood Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art team in their use of the online distance learning platform. Induction and training will be given prior to commencement. Contracts may be renewed, depending upon performance.


If you wish to be considered for one of these roles, please submit a statement of up to 300 words answering the following questions:

  • what do you think makes an effective online art historical discussion?
  • how would you help support and stimulate such a discussion as a forum facilitator?
  • how would this role benefit your academic or career progression?

Please submit your statement by 20 September 2024

Selection will involve a panel from the Alphawood funded scholars, chaired by the programme Director.