SOAS statement on Sinophobia and anti-Asian racism
24 March 2021
We are appalled at the racially motivated attacks that continue to be targeted at East-Asian and Southeast Asian people in the UK and world-wide. These include the murder of six Asian women in Atlanta and the highly dismissive tone in which a Sheriff’s Office representative referred to them and, in the UK, the violent attack on Dr Wang Peng, a Chinese colleague in Southampton. We oppose all forms of sinophobia and racism.
At SOAS we have a long history of defending human rights and promoting equality and justice in our learning and teaching and research. We are committed to tackling hate and are deeply proud of our diverse community of staff, students and scholars. We stand against racism in all its forms and condemn acts of racism, discrimination and violence in the strongest possible terms.
A letter against anti-Asian racism has been signed by academics and students from universities across the UK.
Support for Students
Students who may wish to seek support on these events can speak to their Academic Advisor or their Student Support Officers, in the first instance. They can also reach out to the Student Advice and Wellbeing team or email .
Support for Staff
Staff can speak to their line manager or another senior manager who they trust in the first instance. They can also contact the Employee Assistance Programme .
A list of the SOAS Dignity Advisers can also be found on MySOAS .
Resources and information can also be found at Race on the Agenda , who can also signpost individuals to partner organisations.