I received a BA in English at Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan) and an MA in TESOL at Portland State University (Portland, Oregon).
Having taught Japanese at the University of Washington (Seattle, Washington), I then studied in the Interdisciplinary PhD program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) at University of Arizona (Tucson, Arizona). Upon completion of the PhD, I taught at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and the University of California, Davis before joining the Department of Linguistics at SOAS.
Pragmatic strategies in face-to-face interactions and emails by Japanese speakers and Japanese Sign Language users: Focus on Japanese Sign Language users' use of Japanese and their perceptions
The Routledge Intermediate to Advanced Japanese Reader: A Genre-Based Approach to Reading as a Social Practice
Iwasaki, Noriko and Kumagai, Yuri (2015). Abingdon; New York: (Routledge)
「日本語のために移動する学習者たち—複数言語環境のヨーロッパで—」Presented in Panel「複言語環境に生きる人々の「日本語使用、日本語学習」の意味とアイデンティティ」
Iwasaki, Noriko, 2015, Japanese Language Education in Europe. Proceedings of the 2015 Japanese Language Symposium, Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe (20), pp 65-70
Cross-linguistic Influence in the L2 Acquisition of Korean Case Particles by Japanese-Speaking and English-Speaking Learners: L1-L2 Proximity and Learner Perceptions
Brown, Lucien and Iwasaki, Noriko, 2013, Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (10), 2, pp 176-195
The grammar of Japanese mimetics: Perspectives from structure, acquisition and translation
Iwasaki, Noriko, (eds.), Sells, Peter, (eds.) and Akita, Kimi, (eds.) (2016). Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in East Asian Linguistics)
Narratives of connecting – intercultural mediation during and after study abroad
Pizziconi, Barbara and Iwasaki, Noriko (2023). In: Derivry-Plard, Martine, (eds.) and Liddicoat, Anthony J., (eds.), La Médiation interculturelle en didactique des langues et des cultures / Intercultural mediation in teaching and learning languages and cultures. Paris: Editions des archives contemporaines, pp 126-137
Making it your own by adapting it to what’s important to you”: Plurilingual Critical Literacies to promote L2 Japanese users’ sense of ownership of Japanese
Iwasaki, Noriko and Kumagai, Yuri (2020). In: Bagga-Gupta, Sangeeta, (eds.), Golden, Anne, (eds.), Holm, Lars, (eds.), Laursen, Helle Pia, (eds.) and Pitkanen-Huhta, Anne, (eds.), Reconceptualizing connections between language, learning and literacy. Cham: Springer Nature, pp 165-186
Use of mimetics in motion event descriptions by English and Korean learners of L2 Japanese: Does typology make a difference?
Iwasaki, Noriko (2016). In: Iwasaki, Noriko, (eds.), Sells, Peter, (eds.) and Akita, Kimi, (eds.), The grammar of Japanese mimetics: Perspectives from structure, acquisition and translation. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp 193-218
Grammar of Japanese mimetics used by English and Korean learners of L2 Japanese in KY Corpus interviews: Does L1-L2 similarity help?
Iwasaki, Noriko (2016). In: Iwasaki, Noriko, (eds.), Sells, Peter, (eds.) and Akita, Kimi, (eds.), The grammar of Japanese mimetics: Perspectives from structure, acquisition and translation. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp 148-171
Grammar for reading Japanese as a second language: Variation of stance expressions utilizing to omou in different written registers
Iwasaki, Noriko (2016). In: Benati, Alessandro, (eds.) and Yamashita, Sayoko, (eds.), Theory, research and pedagogy in learning and teaching Japanese grammar. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 157-186
Implementing multiliteracies in the Korean classroom through visual media
Brown, Lucien, Iwasaki, Noriko and Lee, Keunyoung (2015). In: Kamagai, Y., (eds.), López-Sánchez, Ana, (eds.) and Wu, Sujane, (eds.), Multiliteracies in World Language Education. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp 158-181
Reading words to read worlds: A genre-based critical multiliteracies curriculum in intermediate/advanced Japanese language education.
Kumagai, Yuri and Iwasaki, Noriko (2015). In: Kumagai, Yuri, (eds.), López-Sánchez, Ana, (eds.) and Wu, Sujane, (eds.), Multiliteracies in World Language Education. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp 109-131
Getting over the hedge: Acquisition of mitigating language in L2 Japanese
Iwasaki, Noriko (2013). In: Kinginger, Celeste, (ed.), Social and Cultural Aspects of Language Learning in Study Abroad. Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp 239-267
Iwasaki, Noriko (2012). In: Sanz, Montserrat, (eds.) and Igoa, José Manuel, (eds.), Applying Language Science to Language Pedagogy. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp 201-220
Case Particle Errors in Japanese: Is the Nominative ga a Default Case Marker in Sentence Production?
Iwasaki, Noriko (2007). In: Schütze, Carson T., (eds.) and Ferreira, Victor S., (eds.), The State of the Art in Speech Error Research: Proceedings of the LSA Institute Workshop. Cambridge, MA: MIT, pp 205-219
How does it hurt, kiri-kiri or siku-siku? Japanese mimetic words of pain perceived by Japanese speakers and English speakers
Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P. and Vigliocco, Gabriella (2007). In: Minami, Masahiko, (ed.), Applying theory and research to learning Japanese as a foreign language. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp 2-19
Iwasaki, Noriko (2006). In: Nakayama, Mineharu, (eds.), Mazuka, R., (eds.) and Shirai, Y., (eds.), The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics. Volume II: Japanese.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 158-164
Iconicity and viewpoint in determining Word order in Japanese dative construction
Iwasaki, Noriko and Sadler, Misumi (2005). In: Ettlinger, Marc, (eds.), Fleisher, Nicholas, (eds.) and Park-Doob, Mischa, (eds.), Proceedings of the thirtieth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 13-16, 2004 : general session and parasession on conceptual structure and cognition in grammatical theory. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society, pp 468-480
Lemma Structure in Language Learning. Comments on Representation and Realization
Iwasaki, Noriko and McKee, C. (2001). In: Weissenborn, J., (eds.) and Hoehle, B., (eds.), Approaches to Bootstrapping. Phonological, Lexical, Syntactic and Neurophysiological Aspects of Early Language Acquisition. Volume 1.. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp 125-144
Adjectives and adjectival nouns in Japanese: Psychological processes in sentence production
Iwasaki, Noriko, Vigliocco, Gabriella and Garrett, Merrill (1998). In: Silva, David J., (ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 8. Stanford, CA: CSLI (Center for the Study of Language and Information), pp 93-106