Department of Anthropology and Sociology

S. Seigoulien Haokip

Key information

Department of Anthropology and Sociology PhD researcher
MA (TISS); MPhil (JNU)
Email address
Thesis title
Borderland and capital: a study of mobility, networks and social change in India's North East (working title)
Internal Supervisors
Professor Sanjay Srivastava


Seigoulien is a PhD student at the Department of Anthropology and Sociology.

His MPhil dissertation entitled Merchants and Borderlands: Trade, Culture and Place-making in Manipur, India analysed how mercantile networks culturally reproduced across distinctive spaces by using archival as well as ethnographic materials. In his ongoing PhD project, Seigoulien explores the trajectories of social transformation among the hill tribes living in North East India. 

Seigoulien’s research interests, by and large, focuses on North East India. His MA dissertation – based on concurrent fieldwork carried out in Guwahati – investigated religious practices among the Kuki community. It explored how the Kuki people in Guwahati (Assam) articulate the idea of religiosity and spirituality.

As a Citizen Historian with The 1947 Partition Archive, S. Seigoulien Haokip has documented oral histories in Manipur. He was also awarded the Tata Trusts – Partition Archive Research Residency Grant 2021.

Research interests

Anthropology of borderlands, mercantile networks, middle-class cultures, tribes, North East India, South and Southeast Asia.


Contact S. Seigoulien