Mr Sarajuddin Isar

Key information

Bsc in Economics (Kabul University), Diploma in Business Administration (Kardan Institute), MA in Political Economy (University of Manchester)
Email address
Thesis title
Taxation and state-building in Afghanistan, a political economy framework
Internal Supervisors
Professor Jonathan Goodhand


Sarajuddin Isar is a political economy researcher with extensive overseas’ experience in banking, finance and international development. He is currently working as a Compliance Officer with a financial firm in London. He is also a part-time editor/writer with Simorg Quarterly (an Afghan diaspora publication) as well as a casual presenter and analyst with BBC Persian. He is a writer and debater on economics, politics and development policy issues and has worked in key roles in a series of organizations including the Central Bank of Afghanistan, United States Agency for International Development/BearingPoint, United Nations World Food Programme and international charities such as the Catholic Relief Services, Acted, Afghanaid and Oxfam. He has also taught economics and tutored community members in a range of different language class settings in Afghanistan and in the UK.

Research interests

Political economy of development, taxation and foreign aid, tax reform and fiscal policy, public finance, fiscal sociology and fiscal contract, rentierism and paradox of plenty, elite bargains, limited access orders and political settlement.

Contact Sarajuddin