Department of History of Art and Archaeology
Nasser D Khalili Professor of Islamic Art and Archaeology
School of Arts
Department Research & Knowledge Exchange Convenor
I'm interested in investigating cultural boundaries between the different communities that shared the geographies and cultures of the areas that now constitute Turkey, the southern Caucasus, northern Mesopotamia, Syria, and Iran in the medieval period (11-14th cs CE). This entails a 'big tent' approach to material culture, including traditional art historical subjects, but also numismatics, epigraphy, ceramics, and other fields allied with archaeology, landscape studies, and the architecture and archaeology of travel. My research has been supported by grants from the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the Getty Foundation, the Barakat Trust, the van Berchem Foundation, the British Institute at Ankara, the British Council Cultural Preservation Fund and other organizations.
The Development of Political Economy and Social Formation of the Marginal Polities on the Salween River Basin, Northwestern Thailand During the first millennium CE to the mid-second millennium CE
Kinet Höyük’te Bulunan bir Kase [A Bowl Found at Kinet Höyük] Proceedings of an International Conference on Turkish Art and Archaeology Konya: Selçuk University
Redford, Scott, 2007, Konya Kitabi (10), pp 537-542
Caravanserais, Roads, and Routes in Seljuk Anatolia
Redford, Scott (2025). In: Vandeput, Lutgarde, (eds.) and Mitchell, Stephen, (eds.), Routes and Roads in Anatolia from Prehistory to Seljuk Times. London: British Institute at Ankara
Inscribe and de-scribe/cipher and de-cipher : a pious phrase in medieval Byzantium and Islam
Redford, Scott (2021). In: Houston, Stephen, (eds.) and Bodel, John, (eds.), The Hidden Language of Graphic Signs: Cryptic Writing and Meaningful Marks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 80-99
Redford, Scott (2021). In: Peker, Ali Uzay, (eds.) and Şahin Güçhan, Neriman, (eds.), Topluma Adanmış bir Yaşam Prof. Dr. Ömür Bakırer Armağanı. Ankara: Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture Press
Flags of the Seljuk sultanate of Anatolia: Visual and textual evidence
Redford, Scott (2020). In: Vryzidis, N., (ed.), The hidden life of textiles in the medieval and early modern Mediterranean : Contexts and cross-cultural encounters in the Islamic, Latinate and Eastern Christian worlds. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols
Rum Seljuk Emir Mübarizeddin Ertokuş and his Madrasa: Reading Identity through Architectural Patronage
Redford, Scott (2019). In: Jevtić, I., (eds.), Magdalino, P., (eds.) and Durak, K., (eds.), Identity and the other in Byzantium : papers from the fourth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium, İstanbul 23-25 June 2016. Istanbul: Vehbi Koç Foundation
Transculturation in the Eastern Mediterranean (1050-1250)
Hoffman, Eva and Redford, Scott (2017). In: Flood, Finbarr Barry, (eds.) and Necipoğlu, Gülru, (eds.), A Companion to Islamic Art and Architecture (2 vols). Oxford: Wiley, pp 405-430
Intercession and Succession, Enlightenment and Reflection: The Inscriptional Program of the Karatay Madrasa, Konya
Redford, Scott (2015). In: Eastmond, Anthony, (ed.), Viewing Inscriptions in the Late Antique and Medieval World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp 148-169
Redford, Scott (2015). In: Ladstätter, S., (eds.), Pirson, F., (eds.) and Schmidts, T., (eds.), Harbors and Harbor Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean from Antiquity to Byzantium. Recent Discoveries and New Approaches. Istanbul: Ege Yayinlari, pp 543-552
Redford, Scott (2014). In: Papanikola-Bakirtzi, Demetra, (eds.) and Coureas, Nicholas, (eds.), Cypriot Medieval Ceramics: Reconsiderations and New Perspectives. Nicosia: The Cyprus Research Centre and The A. G. Leventis Foundation, pp 125-151
Mamālik and Mamālīk: Anatolian Seljuk Citadels and their Decorative and Inscriptional Programs
Redford, Scott (2013). In: Redford, Scott, (eds.) and Ergin, Nina, (eds.), Cities and Citadels in Turkey: From the Iron Age to the Seljuks. Leuven: Peeters, pp 305-346
Constantinople, Konya, Conical Kiosks, Cultural Confluence
Redford, Scott (2013). In: Ödekan, Ayla, (eds.), Necipoğlu, Nevra, (eds.) and Akyürek, Engin, (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Conference. Istanbul: Vehbi Koç Foundation, pp 48-54
Paper, Stone, Scissors: ‘Ismat al-Dunya wa’l-Din, ‘Ala’ al-Din Kayqubadh, and the Writing of Seljuk History
Redford, Scott (2012). In: Peacock, Andrew C. S., (eds.) and Yıldız, S.N., (eds.), The Seljuks of Anatolia: Court and Society in the Mediaeval Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris, pp 151-170
Trade and Economy in Antioch and Cilicia in the 12th-13th Centuries
Redford, Scott (2012). In: Morrisson, Cécile, (ed.), Trade and Markets in Byzantium. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp 295-307
Redford, Scott (2011). In: Lange, Christian, (eds.) and Mecit, Songul, (eds.), The Seljuqs: Politics, Society, and Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp 256-276
Some Problems of Anatolian Seljuk Inscriptions from Antalya and Alanya
Redford, Scott (2010). In: Doğan, Sema, (eds.) and Ötüken, Yıldız, (eds.), Bizans ve Çevre Kültürler: Yıldız Ötüken Armağanı. Istanbul: Vehbi Koç Vakfı, pp 304-310
Redford, Scott (2010). In: Ödekan, Ayla, (eds.), Akyürek, Engin, (eds.) and Necipoğlu, Nevra, (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium (Uluslararasi Sevgi Gönül Bizans Arastirmalari Sempozyumu Bildiriler). Istanbul: Vehbi Koç Foundation, pp 48-50
Selçuklu Sarayları, Bahçeleri ve Kırsal Ortam [Seljuk Palaces, Gardens, and Landscape]
Redford, Scott (2006). In: Peker, A.U., (eds.), Ocak, A.Y., (eds.) and Bilici, K., (eds.), Anadolu Selçukluları ve Beylikler Dönemi Uygarlığı. Ankara: Ministry of Culture, pp 291-303
On Saqis and Ceramics: Systems of Representation in the Northeast Mediterranean
Redford, Scott (2004). In: Weiss, Daniel H., (eds.) and Mahoney, Lisa, (eds.), France and the Holy Land: Frankish Culture at the End of the Crusades. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, pp 282-312
Redford, Scott (2003). In: Quataert, Donald, (eds.) and Sayarı, Sabri, (eds.), Turkish Studies in the United States. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp 31-42
Review of: Serçe Limanı, an Eleventh-Century Shipwreck, Volume 1: The Ship and Its Anchorage, Crew, and Passengers by George F. Bass, Sheila D. Matthews, J. Richard Steffy, Frederick H. van Doorninck, Jr., Texas A and M University Press, 2004.
Redford, Scott (2006). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (341), pp 84-86
Review of: 'Excavations at Surt (Medinat al-Sultan) Between 1977 and 1981' by Géza Fehérvári, 'Abbas Hamdani, Masoud Shaghlouf, and Hal Bishop, edited by Elizabeth Savage. London: Department of Antiquities, Tripoli and the Society for Libyan Studies, 2002.
Review of: 'The Fort at Dereağzı and Other Material Remains in Its Vicinity: From Antiquity to the Middle Ages' edited by J. Morganstern. Tübingen: Ernst Wasmuth, 1993.
Redford, Scott (1995). Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (54) 3, pp 370-371