Centre for Global Media and Communications

Dr Tarik Sabry

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Centre for Global Media and Communications Research Associate


Dr. Tarik Sabry teaches media and communication theory at the University of Westminster where he is member of the Communication and Media Research Institute and the Arab Media Centre. He is author of Cultural Encounters in the Arab World: On Media, the Modern and the Everyday (2010, IB. Tauris) and Editor of Arab Cultural Studies: Mapping the Field (2012, IB. Tauris). He is also co-founder and co-editor of the Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication and founder of the Journal Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture. He has also published several journal articles and book chapters on the topic of media and contemporary cultures in the Arab world. He is currently working on two co-edited volumes. The first is on Arab Subcultures: Reflections on Theory and Practice (IB. Tauris 2014), the other a handbook on Media and Culture in the Middle East (Blackwell, 2014). His research interests include time and modernness, migration, Arab audiences, Arab popular cultures and Arab contemporary philosophical thought. He has conducted a number of audience and ethnographic studies exploring global media and the dynamics of hybrid identities in the Arab world. He is also involved as a co-investigator in an AHRC, three-year research project focusing on children and the media in the Arab world.

Research interests

Research interests include globalization, migration, media audiences, Anthropology, popular culture, contemporary Arab thought and Arab cultural studies.

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