Department of Economics

Wilson Erumebor

Key information

Department of Economics PhD Student in Economics GTA in Economics
BSc (Abraka); MSc (Lagos)
Email address
Thesis title
Structural Transformation, Productivity Growth and Employment in Nigeria.
Internal Supervisors
Dr Sara Stevano


Wilson Erumebor specializes in industry research, public finance and economic growth.

Through his PhD research, Wilson is exploring the movement of labour and economic resources across sectors in Nigeria and how this relates with productivity growth and job creation in Nigeria.

Wilson’s professional experience includes working as a GTA for the course- Economic Development of Africa at SOAS, University of London. Furthermore, Wilson has held positions at reputable organizations such as the Nigerian Economic Summit Group as a Senior Economist and Agusto & Co. Limited as a Researcher, leading teams in conducting macroeconomic and industry research.

His recent research publications include “Nigeria in 2023: Bridging the productivity gap and building economic resilience” In Brookings Institution Foresight Africa Report (2023) and a chapter titled “The Knowledge Economy and Its Drivers” in the Book- Future Trends: The World in the Next 50 Years (2023).

Wilson has been involved in media engagements, with interviews on platforms such as Aljazeera, BBC, CNBC Africa and Financial Times, where he has shared his views on various economic topics. Wilson is a Senior Research Fellow at The Fate Institute, Nigeria and is a member of the Royal Economic Society, UK.

Research interests

  • Structural Transformation
  • Inclusive growth
  • Industrial development
  • Poverty

Contact Wilson