Dignity @ SOAS

Everyone at SOAS is entitled to go about their daily business at the school or on School related business elsewhere without being discriminated against for any reason (including having one or more of the defined protected characteristics).
This includes being belittled, harassed, bullied and undermined, or excluded by others, be they fellow students, colleagues, or academic, professional services and support staff, contractors, or visitors.
As such, the Dignity@SOAS policy was published in 2019 (and reviewed in 2024) as part of the wider Culture@SOAS project, which seeks to:
- promote the principles of dignity and respect towards one another
- aid in maintaining a healthy learning and working environment where unacceptable behavior is identified
- proactively work towards the elimination of bullying, harassment, and victimization, by building an inclusive culture, raising awareness, and ensuring transparent effective mechanisms by which complaints can be addressed
- encourage everyone to play a role in creating and keeping an environment in which harassment, bullying, and victimization are understood to be unacceptable and people feel able to raise complaints, be heard, and know that appropriate action will be taken
PDF document, 153.33KB
Report and Support
Report and Support provide staff and students with the opportunity to report anonymously or contact an advisor for support and to make an informed decision about their options for taking up an official complaint about harassment or bullying.
By having this tool available, we want to send a strong signal to our community that bullying, and any form of harassment will not be tolerated at SOAS and that if you come forward to report unacceptable behaviour, we will support you in taking action.
Access Report and Support
Report and Support provide staff and students with the opportunity to report anonymously or contact an advisor for support and to make an informed decision about their options for taking up an official complaint about harassment or bullying.
Enough is Enough
Enough is Enough aims to eliminate sexual harassment and misconduct at SOAS. All new SOAS students will take part in a mandatory Consent and Active Bystander training session during the first few weeks of term to give you the knowledge to create a consent culture and the skills to challenge harmful behaviours.
In addition, the Enough is Enough campaign supports a variety of survivor-centered initiatives for anyone who has experienced sexual harassment, violence, or misconduct.