Jewish history

See also
All users on campus; SOAS staff and students only off-campus
Brill Online Reference Works
Includes Encyclopaedia of Judaism
On campus use / Off campus use -
Cambridge Histories Online
Contains Cambridge History of Judaism and Cambridge History of Jewish Philosophy
On campus use / Off campus use
Brill Online Reference Works
Web resources
Academic Guide to Jewish Studies
Comprehensive guide to online resources on Jewish studies from the University of Toronto libraries, including primary resources, newspapers, history and culture. -
AWOL (Ancient World Online)
Blog and portal to open-access resources on the ancient world (including Jewish and Hebrew studies) – includes the Alphabetical List of Open-Access journals on the Ancient World -
Internet Jewish History Sourcebook
From Fordham University (New York) – essays, articles, extracts and commentary on Judaism and the Jewish people -
Jewish History Resource Centre
Resources selected and evaluated by staff at the Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) -
Judaica Europeana
Collection of digitized texts, archival material and online exhibitions from European archives and museums showcasing aspects of life and culture of Jewish communities across the ages -
Bibliographic database of article on Jewish studies complied by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem -
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The main sections of the website cover history, education, research, remembrance and conscience, with links to other relevant sites. -
Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide
Founded in 1933, the Library holds extensive archives on the Holocaust and Nazi era including press-cuttings, photographs and eye-witness testimonies
Academic Guide to Jewish Studies