SOAS statement

29 December 2020
SOAS is extremely concerned about any allegations of anti-Semitism at our School. Diversity is key to the SOAS mission and we want all our students to feel welcome and supported in their studies. We have a robust student complaints and appeals process, but we cannot comment on any individual student case or the outcomes of any appeal. However, where we have established an independent panel as part of a complaints process, we would of course consider the findings of such a panel thoroughly and take appropriate action.
Jewish studies at SOAS
SOAS is the world’s leading institution for the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and its offering in Jewish studies is unique. Our Centre for Jewish Studies brings together a critical mass of scholars and we are also home to the world-renowned Jewish Music Institute.
We offer a wealth of opportunity to learn about Jewish culture and tradition, with more than a dozen modules running next year alone across the institution. We teach Hebrew at undergraduate and Master’s level, and from this year, students will be able to apply for the new pathway in Hebrew in our flagship BA Languages and Cultures, for which we have just recruited a new Lector in Hebrew.
We will be continuing to develop our offering in interdisciplinary Jewish Studies, with new opportunities opening up for collaboration across the institution as we transform our curricula and strengthen our international engagement.