Online tutorials

Mantra: Research Data Management Training
Freely available online tutorial to support PhD students with research data management. Includes practical exercises in handling data in four software packages, including SPSS, which learners can download and work through at their own pace.

Virtual Training Suite
A set of over 50 tutorials designed to help students, academics and researchers improve their Internet information literacy and IT skills. Work through tutorials on subjects such as Anthropology, Development Studies, Economics, History, Law, Politics, Religious Studies, Travel and Tourism and Business Studies to help find and evaluate online resources for your subject of interest.

Safari: Skills in Accessing, Finding and Reviewing Information
Excellent online course from the Open University covering all aspects of information skills such as searching databases, defining your subject, evaluating information and presenting your findings.

Evaluating Information Found on the Internet
A very useful guide, produced by Elizabeth E. Kirk at Johns Hopkins University.

Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask
Online tutorial by the Library, University of California Berkeley. Includes a Web Page Evaluation Checklist.

Database Guides

SOAS Library Catalogue (pdf; 243kb)

Cambridge Core (pdf; 4mb)

Chinese ebooks via CNKI manual (octet-stream; 1729kb)

EBook Central (pdf; 2mb)

EBSCO discovery (pdf; 853kb)

JTOR user guide (pdf; 213kb)

Oxford Academic user guide (pdf; 1707kb)