Regional Guides: Africa

The following collections all contain material relating to more than one region of Africa. Click on the name of the collection to see a summary description from the A-Z listings. Alternatively, search for the collection on the SOAS Archive Catalogue .
- Abraham, Roy Clive
- African Writers Series
- Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton
- Barnes, Leonard John
- Christian Aid
- Conference of British Missionary Societies
- Council for World Mission
- Guthrie, Malcolm
- Hackett, Peter
- Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton
- Mackinnon, Sir William
- Methodist Missionary Society
- Movement for Colonial Freedom
- Portuguese Colonies Collection
- Portuguese Colonies Collection
- Werner, Alice
- Whiteley, Wilfred Howell
Central Africa
Based upon the UNESCO definition, this area includes the following countries: Cameroon, Central Africas Republic, Chad, Congo, Equitorial Guinea, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe, Zaire.
- Earthy, Emily Dora
- Fox-Pitt, Commander Thomas
- Millman, William
- Moore, Reginald John Beagarie
- Sabin, Margaret Katherine
- Shaw, Mabel
- Thomson, John Boden
- Zimbabwe/Rhodesia Constitutional Conference
East Africa
Based upon the UNESCO definition, this area includes the following countries: Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mayotte, Reunion, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
- Blatch, Gledhill Stanley
- Blatch, Gledhill Stanley
- Hake, Andrew
- Hardyman, James Trenchard
- Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton
- Perlman, Melvin Lee
- Richards, Charles Granston
- Tucker, Archibald Norman
- Uganda (Bunyoro) Materials (Southall, Roger)
North Africa
Based upon the UNESCO definition, this area includes the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, the Sahara and Tunisia.
- Arkell, Rev Anthony John
- Holt Collection of the Mahdi
- Kom Ed Dik Collection
- Michell, Roland Lyon Nosworthy
Southern Africa
Based upon the UNESCO definition, this area includes the following countries: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Saint Helena, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
- Benson, Mary
- Christian Concern for Southern Africa
- Hake, George Gordon
- Pearce, Reginald Frederic George
- Plaatje, Solomon Tshekishoi
- Shembe, Prophet Isaiah
West Africa
Based upon the UNESCO definition, this area includes the following countries: Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo and Western Sahara.
- Bargery, George Percival
- Bovill, Edward William
- Boyd, Jean
- Club de Dakar
- Cole, Dr Robert Benjamin Ageh Wellesley
- Committee for Peace in Nigeria
- Green, Margaret Mackeson
- Kaduna Housing Survey
- Mackenzie, Melville Douglas
- Nigerian Civil War Collection
- Parsons, Frederick William
Useful Resources
There are a number of surveys and guides to assist researchers to identify and locate relevant archival material held in the UK. See also the on-line guide to the Africa Section of the Library.
- R. W. Baldock, A Survey of Southern African Manuscripts in the United Kingdom (1976)
- Anita L. P Burdett, Summary guide to Archive and Manuscript collections relevant to the former British Colonial Territories in the United Kingdom (1988)
- C. A. Jones, Britain and the Dominions. A guide to the business and related records in the UK concerning Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa (1978)
- N. Matthews, Materials for West African History in the Archives of the United Kingdom (1973)
- N. Matthews and M. D. Wainwright, A Guide to Manuscripts and Documents in the British Isles relating to Africa (1971)
- N. Matthews and M. D. Wainwright, A Guide to Manuscripts and Documents in the British Isles relating to the Middle East and North Africa (1980)
- J. D. Pearson, A Guide to Manuscripts and Documents in the British Isles relating to Africa (1993)
- A. Thurston, Guide to Archives and Manuscripts relating to Kenya and East Africa in the UK (1991)
- Anne Thurston Sources for Colonial Studies in the PRO Vol 1 (1995)
- Comp. Brian Willan, ed by Patricia M. Larby, The Southern African Materials Project (1980)