
The following collections all contain material relating to more than one region of Asia. Click on the name of the collection to see a summary description from the A-Z listings. Alternatively, search for the collection on the SOAS Archive Catalogue .

Addis, Sir John Mansfield 
China Inland Mission 
Christian Aid 
Conference of British Missionary Societies 
Council for World Mission 
Methodist Missionary Society 
Movement for Colonial Freedom 
Presbyterian Church of England, Foreign Missions Committee 
United Society for Christian Literature 

East Asia

Based upon the UNESCO definition, this area includes the following countries: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Korea DPR, Korea R, Macau, Mongolia and Taiwan.

Addis, Sir Charles Stewart 
Alabaster, Sir Chaloner 
Aylward, Gladys 
Beckingsale, Laura 
Bowra Papers 
Carpenter, John Baker 
China Association 
Coates, Patrick Devereux 
Evans, William 
Geller Diaries 
Hart, Sir Robert 
Legge, James and Hannah 
Mann, Ebenezer and Mabel 
Maze, Sir Frederick 
McLean, David 
Ogden, Sir Alwyne George 
Pratt, Sir John Thomas 
Royal Institute of International Affairs, Far East Department 
Scott Family Papers 
Sewell, William Gawan 
Swire, John (John Swire & Sons Ltd) 
Wedlock, Dora and Teddy 

South Asia

Based upon the UNESCO definition, this area includes the following countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Arnold, Sir Thomas Walker 
Baké, Dr Arnold A. 
Banks Photographic Collection 
British in India Oral Archive 
Cousins, (Ethel) Constance 
Dundas, Henry and Robert 
Durand Papers 
Higgins, John Comyn 
Hodson, Henry Vincent 
Lorimer, Lieutenant-Colonel David Lockhart Robertson 
Mackinnon, Sir William 
Mills, James Phillip 
Moraes, Francis Robert 
Mutiny Scrapbooks 
Pandey, Bishwa Nath 
Reay, 11th Baron (Donald James Mackay) 
Ross, Sir Edward Denison and Dora Ross 

South East Asia

Based upon the UNESCO definition, this area includes the following countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Agence France Presse 
Baker, Alan Custance 
Blythe, Wilfred 
British North Borneo Papers 
Cromwell, Tom Pearson 
Furnivall, John Sydenham 
Guthrie Corporation 
Hall, Daniel George Edward 
Henderson, Eugenie Jane Andrina 
Jones, Barbara Whittingham 
Light, Captain Francis 
Malayan Union Papers 
Melanesian Mission 
Philippine Republican Government 
Powell, Ifor B. (Collection on the Philippines) 
Ray, Sidney Herbert 
Serdang Central Plantations 

Useful Resources

There are a number of surveys and guides to assist researchers to identify and locate relevant archival material held in the UK.

  • Anita L. P Burdett Summary guide to Archive and Manuscript collections relevant to the former British Colonial Territories in the United Kingdom (1988)
  • ed. D. A. Low, J. C. Iltis, M. D. Wainwright Government Archives in South Asia
  • N. Matthews and M. D. Wainwright A Guide to Manuscripts and Documents in the British Isles relating to the Far East (1977)
  • J. D. Pearson A Guide to Manuscripts and Documents in the British Isles relating to South and South-East Asia (1989-90)
  • Anne Thurston Sources for Colonial Studies in the PRO Vol 1 (1995)
  • M. D. Wainwright A Guide to Western Manuscripts and Documents in the British Isles relating to South and South-East Asia (1965)