
SOAS Library provides access to many databases which support research into Art and Archaeology.

SOAS students and staff – may cross-search a range of Art & Archaeology related databases via EBSCO Discovery .

Below is a list of our major databases available for Art & Archaeology. Most databases can be accessed by all Library users on-campus. For a full list of our databases please see A-Z list databases .

Databases available at SOAS

Oxford Art/Grove Art
This is the online version of The Dictionary of Art (34 volumes) with annual editions of new materials and updates. It is a good place to look for definition of terms and back ground reading. Images are also available.
[ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]

Art full text via EBSCOhost
Offers full text plus abstracts and indexing of an international array of peer-selected publications on both Western and non-Western art, new artists, contemporary art, exhibition reviews, and feminist criticism. Bibliography of Asian Studies.
[ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]

Bibliography of Asian Studies
This is an index of Western language monographs, journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings on all parts of Asia from Afghanistan to Russian Far East.
[ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]

Ingenta Connect
It is a database covering 30,000 journals, with bibliographic information and abstracts in broad subjects.

[ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]

JSTOR is the most popular database offering full-text archive collections from over 1000 academic journals.
[ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]

Academic Search Premier (via EBSCO host)
This is a multi-disciplinary database providing full text for more than 4,600 journals including peer-reviewed academic journals and magazine style journals.
[ On-campus use ]/ Off-campus use ]

Web of Science/Knowledge
This is a very powerful database which indexes a wide range of journals in various disciplines.  You can access to the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. This is a particularly useful database if you are looking for specific authors and their citation records.
[ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
US theses and dissertations database with millions of searchable citations to dissertation and theses from 1861 to the present day. Over million full text dissertations are available for download in PDF format.
[ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]

Project Muse
The database provides access to over 200 journals, with bibliographic information and abstracts. Full text is available for humanities.
[ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]

Bridgeman education is an online educational image resource. It includes over 650,000 copyright cleared images sourced from the world’s major museums, galleries, contemporary artists and private collections; providing access to the visual culture of every civilization from prehistory to the present day. Images can be downloaded to your computer or you can save them as slideshow online.  The license covers for all educational non-commercial use of images only.
[ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]

Beyond SOAS Library: databases

ARTStor via Senate House Library
Searchable database of over a million images from different times, cultures and disciplines. Can view and analyse images through features such as zooming and panning. To access ARTStor, you need to join the Senate House Library . Off campus access is available.