
  • Databases at SOAS Library

    SOAS Library provides access to many databases which support research into Linguistics and Languages. SOAS students and staff can cross-search a range of related databases, journals and ebooks via EBSCO Discovery .

    Most databases can be accessed by all Library users on-campus. For more information see the Electronic Resources pages.  For a full list of our databases please see A-Z databases .

    Below is a list of our major databases available for Linguistics and Languages.

    LLBA is a bibliography index to technical reports, bibliographic citations and graphs (journal articles, books, book chapters, reports and dissertations), covering the latest developments in the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Complete coverage is also given to various fields of linguistics including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics.

    • Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts (LLBA) [ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]
      LLBA is a bibliography index to technical reports, bibliographic citations and graphs (journal articles, books, book chapters, reports and dissertations), covering the latest developments in the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Complete coverage is also given to various fields of linguistics including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics.
    • Academic Search Premier Premier [via EBSCOhost] [ On-campus use ] / [Off-campus use]
      This is a multi-disciplinary database providing full text for more than 4,600 journals including peer-reviewed academic journals and magazine style journals.
    • Ethnographic Video Online [ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]
      The largest resource for the visual study of human culture and behaviour. Over 1200 streaming films. Global in scope, it contains footage from every continent and hundreds of unique cultures, and is particularly rich in its coverage of the developing world. Many are filmed in vernacular languages. Films may be searched for by language, also a nthropological linguistics films may be filtered for. Use the Advanced Search for best results.
    • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences [IBSS] [ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]
      With over 3 million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951, IBSS is unique in its broad coverage of international material.
    • ISI Web of Science/Knowledge [ On-campus use ] / [ Off-campus use ]
      A powerful database that indexes a wide range of journals in various disciplines.  You can access to the Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index. This is a particularly useful database if you are looking for specific authors and their citation records.
    • Oxford Reference [ On campus use ] / [ Off campus use ]
      Access to over 100 Oxford University Press encyclopaedias, dictionaries and other reference works across a wide range of subjects relevant to political scientists
    • News databases
      Details of the news databases available at SOAS. You can access newspapers, news wires and news transcripts from around the world.
    • Data and Statistics
      SOAS Library subscribes to a number of statistics databases. For details, please consult this page.
  • Beyond SOAS Library: Databases
    • Anthropological Index Online [Open access resource]
      Useful for Anthropological Linguistics.
      This is an index to articles in journals taken by the Anthropology Library at the British Museum and to films held at the Royal Anthropological Institute. Nearly 800 journals, published in more than 40 languages, are indexed on a continuing basis. Records cover 1957 to the present. It is published by the Royal Anthropological Institute in cooperation with Anthropology Library and Research Centre at the British Museum
    • Senate House Library
      SOAS students and staff are entitled to apply to Senate House Library for membership , on production of valid SOAS ID. The membership also will give off-site access to some electronic databases.
    • Other Libraries
      Several other nearby libraries have databases that may be of use to students of Linguistics and Languages. Access is limited to on-site only and conditions of use vary.  You are advised to check these before visiting.