
  • Africa


    Printed Sources in SOAS Library

    The SOAS Library’s collection of printed materials on African law is shelved on Level D. Classmarks begin with A346 .

    The Library’s policy is to acquire laws and law reports from all African countries except South Africa and Namibia where Roman-Dutch law applies (collected by the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies). The Library has national responsibility to collect legal material for specific regions/countries of Africa. They include:

    • Africa (except Common Law & Roman Dutch jurisdictions)
    • Botswana (customary law)
    • Gambia
    • Kenya
    • Lesotho
    • Malawi
    • Nigeria
    • Sierra Leone
    • Somalia
    • Sudan
    • Swaziland (customary law)
    • Tanzania
    • Uganda
    • Zambia

    Research Guides

    The following sites provide access to articles and guides on foreign, international and comparative law:


    Oxford Reports on International Law [ On campus ] [ Off campus ]

    • African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
    • African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights
    • International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
    • Special Court for Sierra Leone
    • International law cases from various African domestic jurisdictions


    • Butterworths South African Constitutional Law Reports (1991 onwards)
    • South Africa Tax Cases (1920-1998)
    • Butterworths Statutes of South Africa (1912 onwards)

    Africa Bibliography [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus ]
    This is an authoritative guide to works in African studies published under the auspices of the International African Institute annually since 1984.

    Africa Wide-NiPAD [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus ]
    Provides single point access to over 40 databases. Records come from books, periodical articles and pamphlets. Databases included are:

    • IBISCUS (1970 to present) a development database on francophone Africa.
    • The Southern African Database (Sardius) (1961-1997) database of 34,000+ annotated records.
    • Index to South African Periodicals (1987-present) covers more than 440 South African periodicals.

    AllAfrica.com [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus ]
    Contains an Africa related news archive; with content from over 100 media organizations.

    Web Resources

    Worldlii – Africa
    Provides links to free websites containing general legal information on Africa and for each country within the region. Provides links to primary resources (case law, legislation and constitutions) for each country, where available.

    AfricanLii: African Legal Information Institute
    Full text case law and legislation from a number of African jurisdictions, along with legal news & blog posts. Links through to the Legal Information Institute websites for Kenya (KenyaLaw), Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia & Zimbabwe.

    African Law Library
    Provides access to full text of legislation, case law & constitutional documents from all African countries, where available

    African Union

    OHADA: Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa

    African International Courts and Tribunals
    Provides information on the different African International Courts and Tribunals, including any recent news and basic documents such as Treaties.

    African Human Rights Case Law Analyser
    Multilingual, free-to-access collection of the human rights decisions of African supra-national mechanisms.

    University of Minnesota: African Human Rights Resources

    African Journals Online
    Provides free access to full text articles of journals published in Africa. Covers a variety of subjects, not only law. Users must register to use the service.

    African Law on the Internet
    Wide range of links from Stanford University Library

    AfriMAP: Africa Governance Monitoring & Advocacy Project

  • Chinese law


    Printed Sources in SOAS Library

    The SOAS Library’s collection of printed materials on the law of the People’s Republic of China is shelved on Level D. Classmarks begin with the letter ‘A’ and fall within A345.1

    The Library also has national responsibility to collect legal material (law reports, legislation, official gazettes) for specific regions. They include:

    • China
    • Hong Kong
    • Taiwan

    Research Guides

    There are various guides to researching the law of the People’s Republic of China:


    Westlaw International


    • Hong Kong case law from 1905 onwards
    • Hong Kong Legislation from 1997


    • Hong Kong case law from 1947 onward
    • Current legislation for Hong Kong
    Beida Lawinfochina

    Can be searched in either English or Chinese (simplified).

    • National and Local Laws and Regulations (with over 5,000 full-text English translations of Chinese legislation)
    • Judicial Cases (with over 500 English translations of typical judicial decisions approved and published by the Supreme People's Court or the Supreme People's Procuratorate)
    • Legal News since 2000
    • Gazettes relating to legislative history
    • Law Journals in Chinese (with some in English)

    Bibliography of Asian Studies [ On-campus] [ Off-campus ]
    Index of Western language monographs, journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings and anthologies on all parts of Asia published since 1971

    A-Z Chinese Language Databases
    This lists all the Chinese language databases available at SOAS - many providing relevant primary and secondary source materials.

    Web Resources

    Worldlii – East Asia
    Provides links to free websites containing general legal information on East Asia and for each country within each region. Provides links to primary resources (case law, legislation and constitutions) for each country, where available.

    Contains Chinese legislation and related documents that have been translated into English.

    Lehman, Lee and Xu
    Chinese law firm website with full text of selected Chinese laws and regulations in English.

    Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China

    China Guiding Cases Project (Stanford Law School)
    Collection of ‘guiding cases’ decided by the Supreme People’s Court of China, translated into English.. Guiding cases are decisions that have been designated as leading cases, under a procedure introduced in 2010. Also includes expert commentary on the cases.

    Hong Kong Legal Information Institute
    Provides free access to the primary legal materials of Hong Kong SAR of the People's Republic of China.

    Hong Kong Dept. of Justice Bilingual Laws Information System
    Free database providing access to the laws of Hong Kong.

    Hong Kong Judiciary
    Provides information on the Judiciary of the Hong Kong SAR of the People's Republic of China. Also allows access to the full text of judgments and practice directions (since 1993).

    Asian Law Online
    A free, online bibliographic database of books, chapters in books, journal articles and theses that relate to Asian legal systems. Produced by the Asian Law Centre, University of Melbourne.

    Asian Legal Information Network
    Provides access to articles and conference papers covering law in Asian countries.

  • European Union Law


    Printed Sources in SOAS Library

    The SOAS Library’s collection of printed materials on European Union law is shelved on Level D. Most books on EU law are shelved at A341.2422 .

    Research Guides

    There are various guides to researching European Union law. Two of the most useful are:


    Full text of all EU legislation & European Court of Justice case law, plus the All England Law Reports: European Cases.

    Westlaw UK
    Full text of all EU legislation & European Court of Justice case law.

    The official EU legal database. Full text of all EU legislation & European Court of Justice case law.

    Web Resources

    The official website of the European Union. A really good starting point with direct links to all the EU’s official bodies, agencies etc.

    The official EU legal database. Full text of all EU legislation & European Court of Justice case law.

    Full text of case law from the European Court of Justice.

    European Sources Online
    Excellent current awareness service and searchable database on all aspects of EU policy from Cardiff University’s. Covers official EU publications along with journal articles, government publications, NGO publications etc.

    Archive of European Integration
    University of Pittsburgh’s electronic repository and archive for research materials on the topic of European integration and unification

  • International law


    Printed Sources in SOAS Library

    The SOAS Library’s collection of printed materials on International law is shelved on Level D. Classmarks begin with the letter ‘A’ and fall within A341 .

    Research Guides

    There are various guides to researching International law:


    Oxford Reports on International Law
    Contains coverage of International courts and tribunals, domestic courts and international ad hoc tribunals.

    Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
    Includes over 1,700 articles on Public International Law and is searchable or can be browsed by subject/author

    Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law
    Cross-searchable full text of over fifty current editions of books on a wide variety of aspects of international law from Oxford University Press. Updated twice a year with additional texts added.

    Westlaw International and LexisLibrary
    Comprehensive databases for International case law and legislation. Include international judicial decisions, treaties and selected full text international journals.

    Provides access to the Law Journal Library (large number of international law journals in full text), Treaties and Agreements Library and the Foreign and International Law Resources Database (e.g. yearbooks, digests and judicial decisions).

    Justis (only available via IAS Library for SOAS staff & postgraduate law students)
    Provides the full text of the International Law Reports from 1919 onwards.

    Web Resources

    United Nations international law page

    American Society of International Law’s Electronic Information System for International law. Provides a huge number of links to websites covering all aspects of public international law

    United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library
    Search the catalogue of the UN’s New York Library

    Public International Law:A Current Bibliography of Books and Articles
    Vast searchable bibliography of books, book chapters & journal articles covering all aspects of public international law. Produced by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law
    and International Law

    United Nations Treaty Collection
    Provides free access to bilateral and multilateral treaties, including their status and links to the full text in various languages

    Council of Europe Treaty Series
    Provides access to the full text Council of Europe’s treatise and explanatory reports.

    International Court of Justice
    Provides the text of the Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders and
    Pleadings, Oral Arguments and Documents.

    World Courts
    Provides information and research assistance in the area of international judicial organizations
    Contains full text decisions and other documents rendered by various international courts

    International Law Association

    International Law Commission

  • Japanese and Korean Law


    Printed Sources

    The SOAS Library’s collection of printed materials on Japanese & Korean law is shelved on Level D. Classmarks begin with the letter ‘A’ and fall within A345. Legal material can also be found within the Japanese & Korean section on Level D at Classmarks “CD” and “DK”.

    Research Guides

    There are various guides to researching Japanese and Korean law:


    Bibliography of Asian Studies [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus ]
    Index of Western language monographs, journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, and anthologies on all parts of Asia published since 1971

    Contains South Korean legal resources (court reports, administrative data, journals, e-books and directories) which can be searched in Korean

    A-Z Korean Language Databases
    This lists all the Korean language databases SOAS has access to - many providing access to relevant secondary sources

    A-Z Japanese Language Databases
    This lists all the Japanese language databases SOAS has access to - many providing access to relevant secondary sources

    Web Resources

    Contains selected decisions including cases from the Supreme Court of Japan and Supreme Court of Korea and texts to the Constitution and selected Laws of Japan and Korea.

    WorldLII: Asia
    Provides links to free websites containing general legal information on Asia and for each country wihin the region

    Asia Legal Information Network
    Provides access to articles, laws, regulations and conference papers covering Asian countries.

    Asian Law Online
    A free, online bibliographic database of books, chapters in books, journal articles and theses that relate to Asian legal systems. Produced by the Asian Law Centre, University of Melbourne

    Japanese Law and Government
    Contains links to Japanese legal resources maintained by the School of Law, Tohoku University in Japan.

    Supreme Court of Japan
    Provides access to decisions in English of the Supreme Court after 1947.

    Supreme Court of Korea
    Provides access to selected judgments from the Supreme Court.

    Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Law
    Provides the full text of unofficial English translations of selected legislation for North Korea

  • Middle Eastern & Central Asian Law


    Printed Sources in SOAS Library

    The SOAS Library’s collection of printed materials on Middle Eastern and Central Asian law is shelved on Level D. Classmarks begin with the letter ‘A’ and range from A345.6 to A345.9.

    The Library has national responsibility to collect legal materials (law reports, legislation, official gazettes) for:

    • Central Asia (vernacular language materials)
    • Middle East (except Common & Civil jurisdictions)
    • The Gulf States
    • Yemen
    • Israel (Hebrew material)

    Research Guides

    The following sites provide access to articles and guides on foreign, international and comparative law:


    Bibliography of Arabic Books Online [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus]
    A bibliography and catalogue of books printed in Arabic script from c. 1730 until 1960

    Brill Online [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus ]
    Access to reference works: Brill's New Pauly, Encyclopaedia of Islam, Encyclopaedia of Judaism, Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān; as well as Index Islamicus.

    Lexis Middle East
    Provides access in English and Arabic to the laws, and cases of the United Arab Emirates plus the legal news and commentaries of the wider Middle East.

    Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (MECAS) [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus ]
    Bibliographic database, which provides access to a wide range of material relating to the study of the countries and peoples of the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa

    Oxford Islamic Studies [ On-campus ] [ Off campus ]
    Access to a wide range of materials relating to Islam, including: The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, The Islamic World: Past and Present, The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, The Oxford History of Islam.

  • South Asian law


    Printed Sources

    The SOAS Library’s collection of printed materials on South Asian law is shelved on Level D. Classmarks begin with the letter ‘A’ and fall within A345.4

    Research Guides

    The following sites provide access to articles and guides on foreign, international and comparative law:


    Manupatra [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus ]

    Contains Indian Legislation and Court Reports as well as information and materials on a variety of subjects. Includes:

    • Supreme Court cases from 1950 onwards
    • High Court judgments of all States and Tribunals and Commissions (dates vary)
    • Selected judgments from the High Courts, Federal Court and Privy Council from the period before 1950
    • Central Bare Acts (including amendments) from 1878 onwards and Bare Acts relating to various States
    • Rules, Regulations, Schemes and Orders
    • Bills pending in Parliament

    SCC Online [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus ]

    Huge full text database of case law and legislation from India plus case law only from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, US, Canada & a wide range of international courts.

    From PLD Publishers in Lahore. This database includes full text of statutes, rules and cases, both federal and provincial. It also includes a range of articles relating to the law of Pakistan. The coverage goes back to 1850 for statutes; 1949 for cases and 1960 for articles.

    Bibliography of Asian Studies [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus ]
    Index of Western language monographs, journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, and anthologies on all parts of Asia published since 1971.

    Web Resources

    Worldlii – Asia

    Provides links to free websites containing general legal information on Asia and for each country within each region. Provides links to primary resources (case law, legislation and constitutions) for each country, where available.

    Asia Legal Information Network

    Offers a selection of articles, laws, regulations and conference papers made freely available when you register on the site.

    Law and Other Things

    A blog about Indian law, the Courts and the Constitution.


  • South East Asian Law


    Printed Sources

    The SOAS Library’s collection of printed materials on South East Asian law is shelved on Level D. Classmarks begin with the letter ‘A’ and fall within A345.9

    Research Guides

    There are various guides to researching South East Asian law:


    LexisLibrary [ on-campus ] [ off-campus ]

    • Case law from Singapore (1965 onwards), Malaysia (1955 onwards) and Brunei (1955 onwards)
    • Current legislation from Malaysia

    Bibliography of Asian Studies [ On-campus ] [ Off-campus ]
    Index of Western language monographs, journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, and anthologies on all parts of Asia published since 1971.

    Web Resources

    Worldlii – Asia
    Provides links to free websites containing general legal information on Asia and for each country within each region. Provides links to primary resources (case law, legislation and constitutions) for each country, where available.


    Asian Law Online
    A free, online bibliographic database of books, chapters in books, journal articles and theses that relate to Asian legal systems. Produced by the Asian Law Centre, University of Melbourne.

    Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute
    Provides links to free websites containing general legal information on Pacific Islands. Provides links to primary resources (case law, legislation and constitutions) for each country, where available.

  • UK Law


    Printed Sources

    The SOAS Library’s collection of printed materials on UK law is shelved on Level D. Classmarks begin with the letter ‘A’ and fall within A344.2

    Research Guides

    There are various guides to researching UK law:

    Web Resources

    Provides access to relevant materials on UK law including websites, journal articles, cases, legislation and key documentation. Also includes an open forum to discuss current legal issues and to ask advice. Compiled by City University.

    Infolaw: gateway to the UK legal internet
    Access to UK legal information including lawyers and law firms, government bodies, parliaments and courts online, legal resources by topic and primary law (via LawFinder).

    United Kingdom Law: University of Oxford
    Provides information on and links to sources of law for the UK.

    Eagle-i Portal for Law
    Dedicated portal to high quality legal information sources on the Web - developed by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.

    British and Irish Legal Information Institute
    Contains legislation and recent decisions of the House of Lords, Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Courts

    Supreme Court
    Includes judgments from the Supreme Court from October 2009 onwards.

    House of Lords
    Includes judgments from the House of Lords from 14th November 1996 to 31st July 2009

    Privy Council
    Includes various judgments from the Privy Council before 31st July 2009

    Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
    Includes judgments from the Privy Council from October 2009 onwards

    Proceedings of the Old Bailey
    Contains texts of the criminal trails held at London's Old Bailey from 1674 to 1834.

    Includes access to Secondary Legislation (Statutory Instruments) from 1988 onwards and Primary Legislation (Acts) from 1988 onwards (note that most Acts pre-1988 are available but do not include the revised version).

    TSO Official Documents
    Provides access to Command Papers from 2004 onwards.

    Parliament UK
    Provides access to Bills, Hansard and other relevant papers.