Musical instruments

Bate Collection of Musical Instruments
Located in the Faculty of Music at Oxford University. The Bate Collection web site provides a checklist of instruments, arranged into the following categories: flutes, reeds, percussion, strings (keyboards) and brass with sound samples. The collection also includes the Javanese Gamelan Kyai Madu Laras.

Ethnomusicology Musical Instrument Collection
Digital collection of musical instruments from the ethnomusicology archives at the University of Washington Libraries. You can browse by countries or ensemble type. Sound recordings and performance clips are also available.

The Horniman Museum: Musical Instrument Section
The museum offers one of the most comprehensive musical instruments section in the U.K.  Objects can be browsed by places. The oldest instrument is a pair of bone clappers made in Egypt around 1500 BC.

Musical Instrument Museums Online
MIMO is a single online access point of musical instrument collections, run by a consortium of musical instruments museums in Europe.

Museum of Musical Instruments
Virtual museum, displaying examples of 19th and 20th Century musical instruments. Collections currently concentrate on various types of guitar.

Musical Instruments Described
Brief descriptions of a range of musical instruments, arranged alphabetically by name, and accompanied by an illustration.

Traditional Instrument Resource by Geographic Location
This page introduces some of the most popular traditional musical instruments and where they came from. The instruments are categorised into three main categories: percussion for rhythmic sounds, and wind and string instruments to provide melody.

Virtual Instrument Museum
Online museum of the World Musical Instrument Collection of the Music Department, Wesleyan University. Visual, audio and video presentations with written text.