
Editorial board

  • Professor Ayman Shihadeh (Editor)
  • Dr Mulaika Hijjas (Book Reviews Editor)
  • Professor Julia Bray (University of Oxford)
  • Dr Nathan W Hill (Trinity College Dublin)
  • Professor Almut Hintze
  • Professor Peter Kornicki (University of Cambridge)
  • Dr James Mallinson
  • Professor Scott Redford
  • Dr Mark Weeden (University College London)

International advisory board

  • Ramzi Baalbaki (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
  • Florence Bernault (Sciences Po, Paris, France)
  • Wouter Henkelman (EPHE, Paris, France)
  • Rens Krijgsman (Wuhan University, China)
  • Timothy Lubin (Washington and Lee University, USA)
  • Halle O’Neal (University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Michael Streck (University of Leipzig, Germany)
  • Yudru Tsomu (Sichuan University, China)
  • Ananya Vajpeyi (CSDS, New Delhi, India)

The Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies is the leading interdisciplinary journal on Asia, Africa, and the Middle East and has been an outlet for academic research in the arts and humanities relating to Asia and Africa since 1917. It carries unparalleled coverage of the languages, cultures and civilisations of these regions from ancient times to the early twentieth century. Publishing articles, review articles and communications of the highest academic standard, it also features an extensive and influential book reviews section.

The Bulletin is published on behalf of SOAS by Cambridge University Press. Full text of articles is available online via Cambridge Journals Online, and can be accessed from within subscribing institutions using the following link: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies

Submitting articles

The Bulletin welcomes contributions which fit the overall aims of the journal. The maximum length for articles is 12,000 words, including notes and references. 

Authors wishing to submit articles should upload them to the journal's ScholarOne manuscripts site at: Cambridge Journals Online

Please ensure that your article is anonymous by removing all information which might lead to your being easily identified, including acknowledgements. More detailed guidelines for contributors can be found on the ScholarOne site.

If you have any questions prior to submitting, or experience difficulties with the site, please contact the editorial office: bsoas@soas.ac.uk

The Bulletin is published on behalf of the School by Cambridge University Press. Further particulars and more detailed guidelines for contributors can be found on the Cambridge Journal pages.

Review copies
We aim to offer a comprehensive reviews section highlighting relevant new scholarly publications in Asian and African studies, but we are unfortunately not able to publish reviews of all of the relevant books we receive.

Publishers are welcome to send review copies of relevant new books to: The Editorial Office, Bulletin of SOAS, SOAS University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG

Please note that the Bulletin does not normally publish unsolicited book reviews.