
There are a number of regulations, policies and procedures that govern SOAS’ degree programmes.

General and Degree Regulations form part of our contract with you, so cohorts will normally be governed by the regulations that apply at the time they first register for their programme. Regulations can be found in the SOAS degree regulations, policies, and procedures repository

When referring to these documents, please ensure that you are looking at the correct tab, i.e., the one that reflects your start year. The same page also includes a number of academic policies and procedures, which support the regulations, which may change from year to year. You should refer to the version for the current year. 

Attendance and Engagement 

In order to benefit fully from their studies, students are expected to attend all classes for the modules on which they are enrolled, which may include lectures, tutorials, seminars, language classes, practical classes and any other taught sessions as set out in the School’s Attendance and Engagement Policy. 

Exceptions to attendance requirements will be made where a student can demonstrate that they have mitigating circumstances in line with the School’s Mitigating Circumstances Policy.

Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct 

All work you submit for assessment at SOAS should be in your own words and incorporate your own ideas and judgements. If you fail to do this, it could be seen as plagiarism. Plagiarism is an assessment offence and could result in an allegation of cheating. For information on how the School deals with plagiarism allegations please see SOAS’ Academic Misconduct Policy.

Academic Appeals Procedure 

The Academic Appeals Procedure applies to all current students registered for programmes or modules at SOAS University of London, who want to appeal against an assessment, progression or withdrawal decision made by an academic body at SOAS (known as the “decision-making body”). 

Before you consider making an appeal or querying any result, please read the information

Student Complaints Procedure 

We want you to have a pleasant time studying with us, but we understand there might be occasions when you are not as satisfied as you could be. That is what our complaints procedure is for. This procedure should be followed if you want to make a complaint about a service provided by the school (e.g., the Library or Registry) or issues such as teaching or supervision.  

There are other procedures that you should follow if you want to complain about harassment or appeal an academic decision

If you wish to complain about a service, you should in the first instance write to your Head of Department or the relevant Director of Professional Services to which the complaint relates. by completing the Stage 2 Complaint form which is available via the Student Information Desk.

The Student Casework Team will assess the complaint form and where a complaint meets the grounds for investigation will assign an investigator to look into the issues raised. If you want to discuss your complaint before submitting a form or would like help, assistance or guidance the Student Casework Team is able to provide independent advice.  

Student Health and Safety Guidelines 

Please note some of the guidance below may also apply to your place of residence. Health and Safety Responsibilities for Students 

  • To take reasonable care of your own safety, health and welfare and that of others. 
  • To co-operate with the school to enable the institution to comply with health, safety and welfare obligations in accordance with The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 2) and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 legislation. 
  • To not interfere with or misuse anything provided for safety, health and welfare purposes. 
  • To report any health, safety and welfare problems using the Online Health and Safety Incident Report Form. 
  • To be aware of and familiarise yourself with SOAS’ Health and Safety Policies