Services to graduates

As a SOAS Alumni you can continue to benefit from the SOAS Careers Service’s resources and support.
This includes:
- jobs, internships and volunteering opportunities via CareersZONE
- printed and digital careers information and resources
- access to SOAS Connect, our eMentoring platform designed to help connect SOAS Alumni and students around the world for peer-to-peer careers advice and guidance
- free attendance to in-person and virtual skills workshops and employer events
- appointments with our careers practitioners, for example, for refining your careers thinking, completing applications effectively, tailoring your CV, and practice interviews. Please note: during the Autumn Term we prioritise appointments for current students and graduates from the previous year. If you graduated more than 2 years ago, we can offer you up to 3 appointments per year (not available during the Autumn Term)
- a weekly e-newsletter (term time only) to keep you up-to-date with news and events. Please contact us if you wish to receive this
- join the SOAS Careers LinkedIn group to reach out to other SOAS graduates, and stay in touch with Careers events and resources
Access to CareersZONE
- If you graduated since 2016, you will still be able to use CareersZONE to book on events and to view jobs and other opportunities. You will need to log on via the Alumni sign in box with a non-SOAS email address and password.
- If you graduated before 2016, you may not be on our system. Please register with CareersZONE via the Alumni sign in and registration option and include your SOAS ID number so that we can approve your account.
If you have any queries or wish to book an appointment, please contact or phone 020 7898 4115.
Graduate Outcomes Survey
The Graduate Outcomes Survey is a statutory HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) survey to find out what graduates are doing. It replaces the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey which used to be done at 6-months, but is now administered at 15 months post graduation.
It is a legal requirement for SOAS that all graduates are asked what they are doing via this survey, which involves an online or telephone questionnaire. You will be asked about work, study, travel or other activities, and how your degree helped prepare you for your current role.
Data is shared on an aggregated basis, so no individuals are identifiable in any information SOAS publishes. It is used to help current students understand what careers could be available to them, supports Departments identify how academic experiences can be linked to the job market, and is used to assist prospective students making choices with courses.
SOAS Careers have been reaching out via the Careers newsletter and alumni channels, and you may get further communication from us about this.
You can find out more about the Graduate Outcomes Survey by watching this short video.