Dr Riccardo Labianco

Key information
- Roles
- School of Law, Gender and Media Senior Teaching Fellow
- Department
- School of Law, Gender and Media
- Qualifications
- Master Degree in Law (Trento, Italy) LLM (SOAS) PhD (SOAS)
- Building
- Paul Webley Wing (Senate House)
- Email address
- rl28@soas.ac.uk
- Thesis title
- Public International Law and the Responsibility of Arms-Exporting States
- Internal Supervisors
- Dr Kate Grady, Professor Lynn Welchman & Professor Matthew Craven
Riccardo (he/his) is an international lawyer specialised in public international law, disarmament, humanitarian law, human rights, and the Middle East. He received his PhD in International Law from SOAS, during which he analysed how existing public international law frames the position of states exporting conventional arms and their responsibility for the unlawful conduct of the recipients of the arms and other harmful consequences
connected with the transfer of arms.
Riccardo’s research interests lie in understanding how public international law regulates the production and trade/transfer of armaments internationally and how the practice of arms transfers and the production and trade of weaponry affect the development of public international law and its underpinning politics. He pays particular attention to pacifist, non-violent, unarmed, and idealistic narratives and ways of imagining the international society.
The Middle East and its countries, their legal systems and their relationship with publicinternational law are further research interests. Prior to and during his PhD project, Riccardo has conducted research on the concept of state, citizenship, human rights implementation, and the relationship between peace, justice, and law in the countries of the region.
At SOAS, Riccardo is currently a Senior Teaching Fellow and worked as Graduate Teaching Assistant, teaching different subjects of international, European, comparative, and English law, including International Protection of Human Rights, Public International Law, International Humanitarian Law, Legal Systems of Asia and Africa, European Union Law, and Criminal Law of England and Wales. Riccardo also regularly delivers briefing and training sessions on human rights in the Middle East and North Africa for development and humanitarian professionals with SOAS Enterprise.
He holds a Single Cycle Master’s Degree in Law from the University of Trento (IT), an LLM in Human Rights, Conflict, and Justice (SOAS), and a PhD in law (SOAS). His doctoral research project and dissertation were titled ‘Public International Law and the Responsibility of Arms Exporting States’.
Twitter Account @RLabianco
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International Law of Armed Conflicts, Public International Law, The Relationship between International Relations and International Law, the Middle East.