Department of Development Studies
Emeritus Professor of Development Studies
Food Studies Centre
Professorial Research Associate
Emeritus Professor
Research Cluster Member
Rural Livelihoods and Agrarian Change: Bringing Class Back In
Bernstein, Henry (2010). In: Long, Norman, (eds.) and Ye, Jingzhong, (eds.), Rural Transformations and Policy Intervention in the Twenty First Century: China in Context. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Agrarian questions from transition to globalization
Bernstein, Henry (2008). In: Akram-Lodhi, A.H., (eds.) and Kay, Cristóbal, (eds.), Peasants and Globalization. Political Economy, Rural Transformation and the Agrarian Question. London: Routledge, pp 239-261
Bernstein, Henry, Leys, Colin and Panitch, Leo (2008). In: Panitch, Leo, (eds.) and Leys, Colin, (eds.), The Socialist Register 2009. London: Merlin Press, pp 5-22
Agrarian questions of capital and labour: some theory about land reform (and a periodisation)
Bernstein, Henry (2006). In: Ntsebeza, Lungisile, (eds.) and Hall, Ruth, (eds.), The Land Question in South Africa. The Challenge of Transformation and Redistribution,. Cape Town: HSRC Press
Rural Land and Land Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa
Bernstein, Henry (2005). In: Moyo, Sam, (eds.) and Yeros, Paris, (eds.), Reclaiming the Land: The Resurgence of Rural Movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America. London: Zed Books, pp 67 - 101
Review of: Handbook of critical agrarian studies, Edited by Haroon Akram‐Lodhi, Kristina Dietz, Bettina Engels and Ben M. McKay, Edward Elgar, 2021, Pp. xxvi + 713. £244.80 (hb). ISBN: 978‐1‐78897‐245‐1
Bernstein, Henry (2023). Journal of Agrarian Change (23) 3, pp 645-649