Study Inclusion Plans

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The Study Inclusion Plan (SIP) is a confidential report for students with disabilities or SpLDs (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADHD). It describes any adjustments required for study, including exam and library arrangements.

Get an SIP

To get a Student Inclusion Plan, we will need:

  1. Appropriate evidence of your disability or SpLD (Specific Learning Difference). For example, a medical report or a Dyslexia diagnostic report.
  2. A completed confidentiality form.

To register with the Disability and Neurodiversity Team (DNT) please go to

After you have registered your disability or SpLD, you will receive an email with a link to SOAS Online Student Services within 10 working days, where you can complete your SIP online. 

Note: if you would like to discuss it or complete it with an advisor please book an appointment by emailing


SIP emails

Once you have your SIP email: 

  1. click on the link which will take you to SOAS Online Student Services and log in with your usual SOAS details (this link can also be found on the home page of the SOAS website and is where you go to complete your course registration online)
  2. select the option for Study Inclusion Plans
  3. please work your way through each page of the SIP by reviewing and amending the contents if appropriate, then click the green Proceed button when you are ready to move on
  4. in the 'Review SIP' section of your SIP, click on 'Confirm' in order to share your SIP with your module convenors for this academic year 
  5. return to the 'Review SIP' section of your SIP and download a PDF onto your own device
  6. go to your SOAS email to review your confirmation email which confirms which teaching staff have access to your SIP. Please email the PDF of your SIP to any other academic staff involved in teaching who are missing from the list (such at GTA and the programme convenor)

If you already have a SIP, this update will not be reflected in the SIP's text, but you will be entitled to an automatic extension of seven days on top of most assignment deadlines.

For further information on Permitted Extended Deadlines (PED) and which assignments are eligible:

PED Policy FAQs for 23-24.pdf

PDF document, 138.28KB

As long as you have a SIP or are in the process of getting one, you do not need to contact us to confirm your eligibility for PED.

Contact us