Read the enrolment information to find out what paperwork you need to provide at enrolment about your loan and how your registration is confirmed to Student Finance to release your loan payment. 

Undergraduate tuition fee loans 

The Tuition Fee Loan [link to our page about Home UG loans] is paid directly to SOAS in 3 instalments during the academic year.  

  • Term 1 - 25% of the tuition fee loan 
  • Term 2 - 25% of the tuition fee loan 
  • Term 3 - 50% of the tuition fee loan 

Postgraduate Masters or Doctoral Loans 

Postgraduate Masters [link to our Masters Loan page] or Doctoral Loans [link to our doctoral loan page] are paid directly to you in three instalments across the academic year. Therefore, you must arrange to pay your fees yourself by following the instructions for Self-payers. You will be able to pay your fees in three equal instalments if you wish. 

Your Postgraduate Loan may not cover the amount of tuition fees due to be paid so it’s important to budget for this when planning your finances prior to starting the programme.