If your fees will be paid by an organisation or company, you will need to upload your financial sponsorship letter during your online enrolment. 

Full sponsorship

Your sponsor letter must be on company headed paper signed by an authorised person. Your letter must contain the following information: 

  • your full name and 6-digit student ID number 
  • the amount of tuition fees they will pay in £GBP and the academic year (we will only create an invoice for the amount the sponsor has agreed to pay) 
  • the programme you are being sponsored for 
  • name, contact telephone number and email address of budget-holder/person responsible for processing payment 
  • address of company 
  • a reference number or purchase order to be quoted (if required) 

When we have received the letter, we will process your enrolment and send confirmation to you. Our Finance Department will email the invoice to your sponsor for payment.  

Please note that parents, family and friends are not considered to be sponsors. If they help with your fees, you are a self-payer and must pay your fees directly to SOAS using the accepted payment methods.


If your sponsor is only paying some of your fees, you must pay the remaining fees in either one instalment or two equal instalments. [link to self-payer page]. 

Please note: 

  • SOAS reserves the right to not accept a sponsor 
  • a new letter is required each academic year 
  • invoices are raised within the first term of enrolment 
  • invoices must be paid within 30 days of receipt of the invoice 
  • you are fully responsible for any fee payment not made by your sponsor 

To discuss your sponsor arrangement please contact the Fees and Funding Team by email at fees@soas.ac.uk

Should you or your sponsor wish to discuss paying an invoice they have received from SOAS then please contact our Accounts Receivable Team by email at accounts.receivable@soas.ac.uk

Contact us