
Teaching at The College of Humanities is interdisciplinary and has equipped generations of SOAS students with the skills to address complex problems from different perspectives.

Studying in the College of Humanities at SOAS is unique in the UK. We go beyond the study of non-European languages, cultures, and histories solely from a ‘Western’ perspective. Our interdisciplinary humanities curriculum has equipped generations of SOAS humanities students with the skills to address complex problems from different perspectives, and this is reflected in the varied and impactful careers of our alumni. 

Academics here are renowned experts in their fields, teaching a variety of modules from literature in the Middle East, Taoist thought or the cinemas and popular cultures of Asia. Our classrooms are multicultural environments, and we boast a vibrant community of learners and teachers from across the world. 

"We are dedicated to the study of Africa, Asia and the Middle East, and offer a depth and breadth that is still unusual after 100 years. 


Our degrees question eurocentrism, debunk orientalist structures and are truly decolonised. They open the mind to the world beyond."

— Dr Griseldis Kirsch, Deputy Dean for Learning and Teaching

Our academics

Within our College community, we proudly host over 100 academics representing 30 countries, each bringing their unique expertise spanning a wide array of disciplines and topics.