Imagining an alternative future through Zines: Introducing Zinetopia

MA student Fiona introduces her business, Zinetopia, and how the SOAS x YBB Student Enterprise Programme supported her pursuit in creating inclusive, creative spaces for critical discussions and community building.

I’m Fiona, a passionate graphic illustrator and workshop facilitator currently pursuing a master’s degree in Postcolonial Studies at SOAS University of London. In this blog post, I’d like to introduce you to Zinetopia, my newly founded business, launched with the support of the SOAS x YBB Student Enterprise Programme. 

Zine workshops encourage critical discussions and creative joy

Zinetopia is a zine workshop enterprise that aims to imagine alternative futures through zines. The name ‘Zinetopia’ is a fusion of ‘Zine’, referring to a small DIY (often activist) magazine, and ‘Utopia’, representing a place of ideal perfection. While Zinetopia is a recent venture, I have been hosting zine workshops for the last four years. 

A picture of Fiona next to a collage of pictures of Zines and workshop
Left: Fiona Quadri with her completion certificate. Right: A collage of Zines and workshop pictures.

As an artist, humanities student, and aspiring activist, I have always sought spaces that encourage critical and intimate discussions alongside creative joy. Thereby, the idea to host zine workshops emerged from a noticeable lack of intentional spaces, the academic paywalls enveloping socio-political information and the lack of creativity in various communities. 

Zines provide a medium for people to gather, express their thoughts and create messages that can attain broader audiences.

Zines provide a medium for people to gather, express their thoughts and create messages that can attain broader audiences. I hosted my first workshop at the Southwark London Design Festival amidst friends and community in the grainy flair of the Livesey Exchange garages. Since then, I have grown, hosting zine workshops in spaces such as Galleries, Schools, Universities and Events. 

How the SOAS x YBB Student Enterprise Programme helped my business

While I had established my workshops before joining the SOAS x YBB programme, the programme gave me the necessary boost and confidence to acknowledge that what I am doing is valuable. It empowered me to proudly identify as a workshop facilitator and share my platform more broadly. 

A collation of pictures from Zine workshops
Fiona's Zine workshops create a welcoming space to talk and create.

Completing the programme has helped me refine Zinetopia and develop a well-thought-out workshop formula. My workshops are spaces for discussion and creativity, and I am excited to see my work grow. After a year of business planning, I believe the foundation has been laid for more Zine adventures. 

Overall, the now-titled ‘Zinetopia’ workshops are safe, warm and accepting spaces. I hope Zinetopia will contribute to the democratization of knowledge, strengthen interpersonal relationships and inspire a more utopian vision for our future world. I am very grateful to have been part of YBB x SOAS. Massive shoutout to Lorenzo and Sam and all the talented people in the group. 

Header image: A collage of Zinetopia pieces.

About the author

Fiona Quadri is an illustrative image-maker and workshop facilitator. Within her work, Quadri explores themes of Displacement, Community and Race through the lens of the QUEER BIPOC communities, aiming to break stereotypical viewpoints. She currently pursues postgraduate studies looking at postcolonialism, and decentralising Eurocentric epistemes.