
The 2024 London Undergraduate Social Philosophy Conference

Key information

3:00 pm
Russell Square: College Buildings
Event type

About this event

Welcome to the event page of the 2024 London Undergraduate Social Philosophy Conference. 

The conference is organised by undergraduates at SOAS for undergraduate students in the federal University of London. The knowledge exchange event is taking place from Friday 11 October to Saturday 12 October

Our motivation

The idea of developing a London Undergraduate Social Philosophy Conference was conceived from a short discussion within the walls of a seminar room at SOAS. After learning about the Kyoto School (classic initiate material for SOAS World Philosophies undergraduates!), one student asked the lecturer supervising the seminar why there is no ‘London School of Philosophy’, especially considering how vibrant and dynamic the metropolis is as a bustling marketplace of ideas. The response our esteemed lecturer gave was that in order for such a School to exist, there would have to be a process of intercollegiate knowledge production.

While, we are in no way comparing the genesis of our inaugural undergraduate philosophy conference to the Peripatetic, Kyoto, or Frankfurt Schools, our aim is to foster growing a robust intellectual community amongst the philosophy students of London, who, thus far, have rarely had the chance to pedagogically collaborate – and, who knows, maybe a ‘London School of Philosophy’ may well be on the cards in the future!

Call for abstracts

If you’re an undergraduate student enrolled in one of the constituent universities of the federal University of London and you’re interested in possibly speaking at the conference, please submit an abstract of 200-250 words on any area of social philosophy (e.g. critical social theories, feminist philosophy, critical philosophy of race, philosophy of sex, philosophy of sexuality, philosophy of gender, applied philosophy, political theory, philosophy of law) to uolsocialphilosophy@gmail.com by 17 August 2024. If you have been selected to present, we will inform you in early September.

Staff keynotes

  • Professor Meena Dhanda (Wolverhampton)
  • Dr Sian Hawthorne (SOAS)
  • Professor Katherine O’Donnell (University College Dublin)

Contact us

Image: Photo by Sam Balye on Unsplash.