Chinese sources about and from Bodhgaya from the Long First Millenium

Key information

10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Brunei Gallery
Event type
Event highlights & Seminar

About this event

Following the lecture titled "Chinese Visitors at the Navel of the World: Transregional Travels to Bodhgaya in the Long First Millennium", this seminar aims to explore Chinese sources.

As a follow-up to the Lecture, we will read and discuss selected passages from the Chinese sources on Bodhgayā; these sources will comprise Faxian’s ‘Record of the Buddhist Kingdoms’ (Foguo ji), parts of Xuanzang’s ‘Record of the Western Region of the Great Tang’, and selected Chinese inscriptions from the early Song period which were found in situ at Bodhgayā, including newly found fragments from the Bihar Museum (formerly Patna Museum). 

About the Speaker

Max Deeg is Professor in Buddhist Studies at Cardiff University, Wales. His research focuses on the transmission process of Buddhism from India to China and, more specifically, on Chinese sources on India. 

He is preparing a new translation and commentary of Xuanzang’s ‘Record of the Western Regions of the Great Tang’ (Datang Xiyu ji) and is one of the two PIs on the ongoing “Xuanzang Trail” project in Bihar, India, which explores the Buddhist sites in Bihar mentioned in Xuanzang’s ‘Record’ (supported and funded by the Bihar Heritage Development Society). 

Attending the event

This event is free and open to all, but registration is required. Please register via the link at the top of this page.

  • Organiser: Centre of Buddhist Studies
  • The Buddhism Forum series is kindly sponsored by Khyentse Foundation