Interrogating 'K-Culture': Religion, culture and philosophy through multicultural perspectives

Key information

1:15 pm to 7:00 pm
G3 and B104

About this event

The Centre for Korean Studies and the Centre of Islamic Studies at SOAS and KAEP (Institute of Korean Philosophy and Culture in Sungkyunkwan University) are proud to announce a collaborative international symposium on Interrogating 'K-Culture': Religion, culture and philosophy through multicultural perspectives. 

The symposium aims to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and expertise about the conceptualisation and teaching of and engagement with notions of ‘Korean Studies’ that go beyond the boundaries of Area Studies. The roundtable discussion will focus, in particular, on how the field is conceptualised comparatively between Europe and Korea, and how we might try to embed foundational studies about Korean history, philosophy, religion and culture into contemporary Korean Studies courses. 

Contributors will have an opportunity to present and exchange information on the resources and teaching materials they utilise in the course of their Korean Studies teaching. Also, K-Academic Expansion Center will take this opportunity to introduce its online materials to attendees. 


1:15 - 1.45pmWelcome Remarks and Introductions
1.45pm - 3.15pm

Academic Roundtable

  • What are Korean Studies and where is the place of philosophy in it?
  • How to embed studies of religion, philosophy and history into contemporary Korean Studies?
  • Exchanging teaching Experiences of “Korean Studies”.

Key participants: 

  • Professor So Jeong Park, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Dr Farrah Sheikh, Sungkyunkwan University and SOAS University of London
  • Dr Owen Miller, SOAS University of London
  • Dr Robert Winstanley-Chesters, Edinburgh University
  • Professor Barbara Wall, Copenhagen University
3.15pmCoffee Break 
3:35pm - 4:35pm

Student Roundtable

  • Experiences of multicultural life in Korea
  • Comment on Coursera content
  • KAEP survey
5pmCoffee Break 

5.30pm - 7pm


'K-Culture', Hidden Stories: Muslims in Korea 

Dr Farrah Sheikh (Sungkyunkwan University and Research Associate at CIS SOAS)



Registration is required. To register please email with the following information and ‘Interrogating K-Culture – registration’ in the subject header. 

  1. Full name 
  2. Phone number  
  3. Institutional affiliation 
  4. Academic / Research title or year of study 
  5. Specialist interest in Korean Studies 


  • Farrah Sheikh (Sungkyunkwan and CIS, SOAS)
  • Owen Miller (CKS, SOAS)
  • Niʿma Burney (CIS, SOAS) 

For further information please contact with the subject header ‘Interrogating K-Culture’.