Matsuzawa Yutaka and Europe: Conceptual art exchange - from a library and archives perspective

Key information
- Date
- Time
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Venue
- Russell Square: College Buildings
- Room
- Djam Lecture Theatre (DLT)
About this event
This lecture introduces the nature of international dialogue in contemporary art conducted by Matsuzawa Yutaka, known as a pioneer of post-war Japanese conceptual art, particularly through his activities in Europe.
It will contextualise his European practice and the spread of his ideas, and consider how Matsuzawa's activities were received there. It will also explore how universal themes taken up by contemporary art were developed through Matsuzawa's practice.
Furthermore, the focus will be on the contemporary art research environment in Japan that supports these studies. It will consider the role played by libraries and archives, the challenges they face in preserving and making materials available to the public, and how they can support future research. In particular, the lecture will consider the function and importance of Japanese art libraries in contemporary art research.
Through this talk, speakers will have the opportunity to reflect on the perspectives brought about by Matsuzawa's practice, deepen their understanding of the challenges faced by researchers and library and archives professionals, and share their perspectives for the future.
About the speaker
Mr Hideki Kikkawa is Head, Modern / Contemporary Art Section of the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (TOBUNKEN). Since 2002, he has worked as a librarian in major art libraries in Tokyo (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, National Art Center, Tokyo, and TOBUNKEN), and has been involved in their library management, as well as in the research, acquisition, and publication of archives related to modern and contemporary art. He is also currently conducting a JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) "Research on archive and its methodology on Japanese post-war art" (2024-2027).
橘川英規は、東京文化財研究所 近・現代視覚芸術研究室長。2002年から東京にある主要な美術図書館(東京都現代美術館、国立新美術館、東京文化財研究所)の司書として、図書館運営、近現代美術に関するアーカイブの調査・収集・公開に携わる。現在、日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)「日本の戦後美術に関するアーカイブとその方法論に関する研究」(2024-2027)の研究代表者である。
- Organiser: SOAS Japan Research Centre
- Contact email: centres@soas.ac.uk
Header image credit: Matsuzawa Yutaka at 'Utopia & Visions' Stockholm 1971 photo by Matsuzawa Kumiko