#MeToo movement in Taiwan: Legal and public opinion battlegrounds, and the field of human nature

Key information

2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Main Building, SOAS University of London, 10 Thornhaugh St, London WC1H 0XG

About this event

This lecture is about #MeToo Movement in Taiwan with the focus on legal and public opinion, and journalist Hung-Chin Chen's experiences of participating this movement.

As a journalist covering gender equality issues, Hung-Chin Chen has been tracking related cases for many years, including those in the aviation industry, cram school sector, and education sector. Following the eruption of the #MeToo movement in Taiwan, many survivors of sexual violence have chosen to speak out in online forums, subsequently facing attacks and threats from public opinion and the legal system. 

Recently, there has been a surge in related litigation cases, with not only survivors of gender-based violence being targeted, but also significant others of many survivors facing lawsuits. As a journalist, could one become a defendant for reporting on gender equality cases? 

Hung-Chin Chen, as both a journalist and a defendant, has also been a survivor of workplace gender-based violence, while simultaneously witnessing interviewees facing legal prosecution. How do they perceive the battlegrounds of law, public opinion, and human nature?

Meet the speaker

Hung-Chin Chen

Hung-Chin Chen is currently the Chief Writer at Mirror Weekly, serving as a media executive. She is also a Taiwanese journalist with 15 years of experience in the field. she holds a Master of Science degree in Asian Politics from SOAS. Throughout her career, she has extensively covered cross-strait relations, US-China-Taiwan relations, Taiwan's political and social development, Hong Kong issues, and Ukraine-related topics. 

Additionally, she has been reporting on gender issues, including the MeToo movement in Taiwan, investigations into digital sexual violence crimes such as Deepfake incidents, and issues of sexual violence in the context of the Hong Kong extradition protests and the war in Ukraine. She has been awarded the Excellence in Journalism Award in Taiwan, the Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) Award, and the Hong Kong Human Rights Press Award.

This event is part of the SOAS Centre of Taiwan Studies Summer School programme at SOAS Khalili Lecture Theatre, between 25–28 June 2024. The Summer School is free and open to the public; registeration needed.

Image Cerdit: Kevin Chou.