
Mongolian Overtone Singing

Key information

10:00 am to 4:00 pm
SOAS University of London

About this event

A weekend workshop on Mongolian Throat Singing with experienced Khöömii singer Michael Ormiston.

Honoured by UNESCO,Mongolian Khöömii is a style of overtone/harmonic voicing where one person voices multiple distinct pitches simultaneously. It originates from the central Asian plateau, particularly the Altai & Sayan mountain regions of Mongolia and Tuva.

The nomads of these parts have discovered how to sing melodies initially inspired by the imitation of their intimate connections to their natural surroundings: mountains, streams, animals, lakes, and the harsh winds of the steppe... both physically and within their belief systems. 

This workshop enables you to sing and listen to your own overtones, discovering unknown depths and heights of your voice through these enchanting sounds. So if you're curious to explore your vocal harmonics this way, join us this June. 

Course Fee: £115 (Concessions £95)