Reading of a Passage on tathatālambanapratyaya-bīja from the Viniścayasaṃgrahaṇī of the Yogācārabhūmi

Key information

10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Russell Square: College Buildings

About this event

Prof. Nobuyoshi Yamabe (Waseda University)


M.A. in Indian Philosophy from Osaka University in 1987, Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Yale University in 1999. Currently Professor of Asian Philosophy at Waseda University.

Professor Yamabe specializes in Indian Buddhism, with particular interest in the Yogācāra and Buddhist meditation texts. He is the author of numerous works in both English and Japanese.

Among his most recent publications: 

  • Yamabe, Nobuyoshi. 2017. "Once Again on “Dhātu-vāda”." Critical Review for Buddhist Studies 21:9-43.
  • Yamabe, Nobuyoshi. 2017. "On Bījāśraya: Successive Causality and Simultaneous Causality." In Śrāvakabhūmi and Buddhist Manuscripts, edited by Seongcheol Kim and Jundo Nagashima, 9-25. Tokyo: Nombre.