SOAS/TUFS Post-Graduate Symposium 2006 Abstracts

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Rituals and Social Relations in Java: A Case Study of Gossip and Conflict
The Return of Indonesian Exile Writing: Writing in Exile during the New Order (1965-1998) and its Return after 1998
by Dorothea SCHAEFTER (SOAS)
Mutsu Munemitsu: British Influence on Japanese State-Building in the Nineteenth Century
by TAKASE Nobuaki (SOAS)
The Tokugawa Shogunate’s Daimyo Kaieki (attainder): Based on the ‘Bakufu Nikki’
by YANG Ikmo (TUFS)
The Awkward Object of Desire: Representation of Women in 19th Century Japanese Erotic Images
Resettlement programs in Vietnam’s Central Highlands: Current status and problems
by SHINE Toshihiko (TUFS)
Down in the Basement: Cham Art in Context
by Julian BROWN (SOAS)
Study of Economic Magazines in the Later Stages of the Meiji Era: Using Jitsugyo no Nihon as an Illustration
by MA Jing (TUFS)
Historical Anthropology and the Field of Japan
by CHU Xuan Giao (TUFS)
Personal and Social Dimensions of the Akinomine Practice on Haguro Mountain
by Tullio LOBETTI (SOAS)
The Spread of Otogibanashi in Modern Japan – With Focus on Otogi storytelling
by YOO Jongshin (TUFS)
Entertainment after the war: Aliwan and the Tagalog novel
Reading the Romantic Syair: Women’s Popular Literature in Nineteenth-Century Riau
by Mulaika HIJJAS (SOAS)
Swinging between traditions: tracing the origins and meanings of narrative motifs in the traditional Malay romantic poem Syair Selindung Delima
by Sarah HICKS (SOAS)
A Society in Transition: Postwar Japan and Suicide’s Evolution From a Ritual Act to a Spectacular Performance
by Francesca Di MARCO (SOAS)
Part-time Labor in Japan: Through the Eyes of a Taiwanese Woman
by HSIEH ChiaLing (TUFS)
Resisting Analysis: Sexual Desire in Mishima Yukio’s Forbidden Colours
by Duncan ADAM (SOAS)
The Role of Witnesses in Thet-kayit Contracts in Early Modern Myanmar
by Thu Nandar (TUFS)
The Concept of Citizens and Non-indigenous Residents under the Ne Win Regime: From the 1982 Burma Citizenship Law and Related Materials
by SAITO Ayako (TUFS)