The traditional teachings of the Dogons: How it can support mental health and wellbeing.

Key information
- Date
- Time
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
- Venue
- SOAS University of London
- Room
- B103
About this event
In this event, part of Black History Month, Katasta Fahkara will present her work as an initiate with the Dogomba people of Burkina Faso, West Africa.
About the speaker
Katasta Fahkara has been an initiate with the Dogomba people of Burkina Faso, West Africa since 2014. She is the Merr (head) of The Earth Center London temple which hosts a thriving community of initiates. In her capacity as spiritual teacher she has been requested to travel internationally to teach initiates and aspiring initiates alike.
Katasta has also represented the Earth Center at several events as a Wisdom Keeper at festivals such as the Medicine and All About Love Festivals here in the UK which festivals hosts indigenous groups from around the world including those from the Amazon and native American communities. Prior to becoming initiated in the Dogomba traditions Katasta lived as a Rastafarian for 30 years living in Jamaica for 15 of those years amongst the Rastafarian community involving herself in music, food growing, storytelling, herbal medicine and learning and understanding the values of community living.
During this time she also travelled to several African countries such as Ghana, Senegal and Gambia learning about the culture, spirituality and traditional medicines. Katasta holds a degree in Medical Herbalism and has been in clinical practice as a Holistic Health Consultant and Medical herbalist for the past 15 years where she has worked alongside numerous health professionals including GPs, health specialists, mental health workers, etc. In her other community work, Katasta has been the host for a popular holistic health radio show for over 5 years in her community and is host for the Earth Center’s Wisdom of the Nile Radio show.
She has set up food growing projects in her local school and works with other community organisations teaching children and parents the benefits of nutrition, reconnecting them to nature and food growing. She also runs holistic health courses,does traditional storytelling and is a public speaker which she does as her contribution to aid the human being in their quest for Holistic health and wellbeing.
The event is open to all but registration is required.