Department of Economics

Jael Cortes Rondoy

Key information

Department of Economics PhD Student in Development Economics GTA in Economics
BA Diego Portales University (Chile), ML Tsinghua University (China)
Email address
Thesis title
China's development strategy: Lessons for Latin America's industrial policies.
Internal Supervisors
Dr Dic Lo


Jael researches China’s development trajectory and its progress concerning industrial upgrading. 

Her investigation also analyses the development experience of Latin American countries and its obstacles. She explores new alternatives to industrialisation that go beyond the traditional exploitation of commodities in the region.

Currently, she is a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the modules Development Economics and International Trade and Investment at the Department of Economics of SOAS. She also works as a guest lecturer in Chinese and East Asian studies for the University of Chile.


Research interests

  • China and East Asian countries
  • Political economy of development
  • Development in Latin America
  • Industrialisation
  • Sino-Latin American relations
  • Renewable energies and commodity trade


Contact Jael