Department of Development Studies

Dr Lorena Lombardozzi

Key information

Department of Development Studies Senior Lecturer in Political Economy of Development
BA (Rome, La Sapienza), MSc (Rome, La Sapienza), MSc (SOAS), PhD (London)
Email address


Lorena is Senior Lecturer in the Political Economy of Development at SOAS University of London. 

Between 2018 and 2024, she was Senior Lecturer in Economics and Co-Director of the Innovation, Knowledge and Development (IKD) Research Centre at The Open University, UK.

She obtained her PhD in Economics at SOAS, University of London (fully funded by SOAS Economics dpt.) with the title 'A nexus between the role of the state, market transition and food consumption: The case of Uzbekistan'. Lorena holds an MSc in Political Economy of Development from SOAS (fully funded). She received a BA and MSc cum laude in Development Economics from La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Lorena has extensive field experience in both academic research and policy. Before returning to academia, Lorena worked as a development economist in Latin America in 2014, in Uzbekistan for the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia from 2010 to 2012, and with the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 2007 and 2010 in the fields of development economics, international trade, social policy and environmental policy.

Her research interests include theoretical debates on political economy, inequality, growth and distribution as well as applied areas of international development (especially East and Central Asia), gender and feminist economics, labour and work, welfare state and social policy, agro-industrial policy and innovation, food systems, global value chains and research methods in social sciences.

Research interests

  • International Political Economy
  • Development Economics
  • Industrial Policy
  • Structural Transformation
  • Agriculture
  • Food
  • Social Reproduction
  • GVCs/GPNs
  • Transition Economies
  • Central Asia


Contact Lorena