Ponsiano Bimeny
Key information
- Qualifications
- BBIT (Nkumba, Uganda), MSc (SOAS)
- Email address
- 615790@soas.ac.uk
- Thesis title
- Constructions of the State, Violence and Political Settlement in South Sudan
- Internal Supervisors
- Professor Zoë Marriage
Ponsiano is a Ugandan PhD student in the Department of Development Studies. He holds an MSc in Violence, Conflict and Development from SOAS and has more than six years of experience working as a development professional in Northern Uganda, including delivering the UNICEF-funded Government of Uganda’s “Justice for Children” programme. His PhD research examines contradicting visions of the South Sudanese state and its implications for the processes of state formation within the country and in Sub Saharan Africa more broadly. Alongside his PhD, Ponsiano undertook research work focusing on the post conflict settings of the Acholi and Karamoja regions of northern Uganda for the Deconstructing Notions of Resilience project at Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, The London School of Economics and Political Science. He has provided regional insights about Africa’s Great Lakes Region to the Centre of African Studies at SOAS since 2016.
Research interests
- Development
- Violence, conflict and war-to-peace transitions
- State fragility and post-conflict reconstruction
- Humanitarian development response in conflict affected and fragile areas
- Gender, violence and security
- Community development, environment and security