Reinhard Bachmann’s research focuses on issues of Stratetegic Management, Organizational Analysis and Comparative Management. Specifically, the role of social mechanisms (trust, power etc.) and societal influences (institutional arrangements, cultural traditions) on the structure and stratetegic organization of business relationships are emphasised in his work.
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Professor Reinhard Bachmann Inaugural Lecture: Trust in Business Relationships
Research interests
Strategic Management, Organizational Analysis and Comparative Management
Bachmann, Reinhard, (eds.) and Nielsen, Klaus, (eds.) (2009). London: Taylor and Francis. (International Studies of Management and Organization Special Issue Vol. 39 No. 2)
Bachmann, Reinhard, (eds.) and Zaheer, Akbar, (eds.) (2008). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (The International Library of Critical Writings on Business and Management series)
Networks, Social Capital and Trust: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective on Inter-organizational Relationships. Part II.
Bachmann, Reinhard, (eds.) and van Witteloostuijn, Arjen, (eds.) (2003). London: Taylor and Francis. (International Studies of Management and Organization Special Issue Vol. 33 No. 3)
Networks, Social Capital and Trust: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective on Inter-organizational Relationships. Part I.
Bachmann, Reinhard, (eds.) and van Witteloostuijn, Arjen, (eds.) (2003). London: Taylor and Francis. (International Studies of Management and Organization Special Issue Vol. 33 No. 2)
Bachmann, Reinhard (2022). In: Poff, Deborah, (eds.) and Michalos, Alex C., (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Basingstoke: Springer Nature
Cooperation and Coordination: The role of trust in inter-organizational relationships
Brattström, Anna and Bachmann, Reinhard (2018). In: Searle, Rosalind H., (eds.), Nienaber, Ann-Marie I., (eds.) and Sitkin, Sim B., (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Trust. Routledge, pp 129-142
Can Trust Flourish Where Institutional Distrust Reigns?
Bachmann, Reinhard and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2014). In: Harris, Jared, (eds.), Moriarty, Brian, (eds.) and Wicks, Andrew, (eds.), Public Trust in Business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 266-289
Restoring Institutional Trust after the Global Financial Crisis: A Systemic Approach
Gillespie, Nicole, Hurley, Robert, Dietz, Graham and Bachmann, Reinhard (2012). In: Kramer, Roderick M., (eds.) and Pittinsky, Todd L., (eds.), Restoring Trust in Organizations and Leaders: Enduring Challenges and Emerging Answers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 185-215
Utilising Repertory Grids in Macro-level Comparative Studies
Bachmann, Reinhard (2011). In: Lyon, Fergus, (eds.), Möllering, Guido, (eds.) and Saunders, Mark N. K., (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods on Trust. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 130-137
The Containment of Opportunism in the Post Formation Period of Inter-organizational Relationships
Bachmann, Reinhard and Neumann, Kerstin (2011). In: Das, T. K., (ed.), Strategic Alliances in a Globalizing World. Charlotte, NC.: Information Age Publishing, pp 159-184
Towards a Context-sensitive Approach to Researching Trust in Inter-organizational Relationships
Bachmann, Reinhard (2010). In: Saunders, Mark N. K., (eds.), Skinner, Desine, (eds.), Dietz, Graham, (eds.), Gillespie, Nicole, (eds.) and Lewicki, Roy J., (eds.), Organizational Trust: A Cultural Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 87-106
Bachmann, Reinhard and Zaheer, Akbar (2008). In: Bachmann, Reinhard, (eds.) and Zaheer, Akbar, (eds.), Landmark Papers on Trust. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp ix-xv
Bachmann, Reinhard and Zaheer, Akbar (2008). In: Cropper, Steve, (eds.), Ebers, Mark, (eds.), Huxman, Chris, (eds.) and Smith Ring, Peter, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 533-554
Bachmann, Reinhard and Zaheer, Akbar (2006). In: Bachmann, Reinhard, (eds.) and Zaheer, Akbar, (eds.), Handbook of Trust Research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 1-12
Trust Building in Different Forms of Systemic Transition
Bachmann, Reinhard and van Ees, Hans (2005). In: Höhmann, Hans-Hermann, (eds.) and Welter, Friederike, (eds.), Trust and Entrepreneurship. A West-East Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 99-113
Trust and Power as Means of Co-ordinating the Internal Relations of the Organization - A Conceptual Framework
Bachmann, Reinhard (2003). In: Nooteboom, Bart, (eds.) and Six, Frédérique, (eds.), The Trust Process in Organizations. Empirical Studies of the Determinants and the Process of Trust Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 58-74
Trust - Conceptual Aspects of a Complex Phenomenon
Bachmann, Reinhard (1998). In: Lane, Christel, (eds.) and Bachmann, Reinhard, (eds.), Trust Within and Between Organizations. Conceptual Issues and Empirical Applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 298-322
Kooperation, Vertrauen und Macht in Systemen Verteilter Künstlicher Intelligenz. Eine Vorstudie zum Verhältnis von Soziologischer Theorie und technischer Modellierung
The Decline of the Scientific and Technological Potential in the Former USSR. Some Considerations Including an 'AI-based' Proposal
Bachmann, Reinhard and Moll, Gerd (1994). In: Katsikides, Savvas, (eds.), Campbell, Mike, (eds.) and Hochgerner, Josef, (eds.), Patterns of Social and Technological Change in Europe. Aldershot: Avebury, pp 5-17
'The Firm as a Collaborative Community - Reconstructing Trust in the Knowledge Economy' by Charles Heckscher and Paul S. Adler (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006
Bachmann, Reinhard (2008). British Journal of Industrial Relations (46) 2, pp 377-379
Review of 'Global Players in lokalen Bindungen. Unternehmensglobalisierung in soziologischer Perspektive' by Andrea Eckardt, Holm-Detlev Köhler, Ludger Pries (eds.). Berlin: Edition Sigma, 1999
Bachmann, Reinhard (2001). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (53) 4, pp 799-801
Review of 'Integrating Technology. Expertise and Innovation - Information Technology Strategies in the Financial Services Sector' by R. Fincham, J. Fleck, R. Procter, H. Scarbrough, M. Tierney and R. Williams. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994
Bachmann, Reinhard (1997). Organization: The Critical Journal of Organization, Theory and Society (4) 3, pp 433-435
Analysing Inter-Organizational Relationships in the Context of Their Business Systems – A Conceptual Framework for Comparative Research. Research Paper 78, Sociological Series.
Bachmann, Reinhard and van Witteloostuijn, Arjen (2006).
Wissensbasierte Konfigurationssysteme im industriellen Einsatz. In: Tilo Messer and Andreas Winkelhofer (eds.), Report: Beiträge zum 6. Workshop 'Planen und Konfigurieren'. Schriftenreihe des Bayerischen Forschungszentrums für Wissensbasierte Systeme.
Erfolg und Mißerfolg von Expertensystem-Projekten in der Industrie. Zwischenergebnisse eines empirischen Forschungsprojekts. Information und Kommunikation 15/92.
Bachmann, Reinhard, Malsch, Thomas and Ziegler, Susanne (1992).
Konfigurationsexpertensysteme in der industriebetrieblichen Anwendung. 1.Teilbericht des Forschungsprojekts 'Expertensysteme und konventionelle Datenverarbeitung zwischen Anwendung und Entwicklung. Ein Beitrag zur Technikgenese und -folgenabschätzung der Softwarekrise'. Information und Kommunikation 14/92.