Department of Politics and International Studies

Professor Stephen Chan, OBE

Key information

Department of Politics and International Studies Admissions Tutor: MSc International Politics Centre for Global Media and Communications Associate Member, Centre for Media and Film Studies Centre of African Studies Management Committee Member Department of Politics and International Studies Programme Convenor (MSc Politics of Africa)
BA, MA (Auckland); MA (London); PhD (Kent)
Russell Square: College Buildings
Email address
Telephone number
+44 (0)20 7898 4655
Support hours
Term 2: Tuesdays 1:00pm - 3:00pm


Stephen was an international civil servant involved with several key diplomatic initiatives in Africa, helping to pioneer modern electoral observation, and continues to be seconded to diplomatic assignments today. He has twice been Dean at SOAS and has published 35 books and supervised 40 successful PhD theses. He won the 2010 International Studies Association prize, Eminent Scholar in Global Development and broadcasts and lectures internationally.

Professor Chan will be available for academic support consultations on Tuesday afternoons by email appointment made ahead of time, followed by meetings on a designated platform.

Research interests

International politics of Southern Africa. Multicultural composition of ethics

PhD Supervision

Open to PhD supervision in selected aspects of African Politics and Multicultural Approaches to Ethics.

Name Title
Mr Nick Branson Extraversion strategies and aid negotiations: How African hybrid regimes manage donor demands
Tiare Kioko Sonnen Do You See Me? A Comparison Between South African and Zimbabwean ‘Coloured’ Representation and Reception in Theatre
Arkmore Kori Parliamentary Committees and Good Governance in Africa: A Comparative Study of Kenya and Zimbabwe
Hangwei Li Media Politics in a Globalised World: Chinese Media in Africa
Malaika Robinson Slogans and Strategies: Discursive Power Politics and the US-China Trade War
Mr Hang Zhou Bring African Bureaucracies back in: Negotiations and Implementation of Chinese Development Engagement in Uganda


Contact Stephen