School of History, Religions and Philosophies

Stewart Gilchrist

Key information

LLB Hons (2.1) MA Traditions of Yoga and Meditation(Merit)
Email address
Thesis title
Hindutva : Saffron Yoga and the expiration of ahiṃsā
Internal Supervisors
Dr Sian Hawthorne & Dr Shabnum Tejani


Stewart is a practitioner and teacher of Modern Postural Yoga who has been teaching in London and worldwide for over 25 years.

Now in his 60s his colourful background includes teaching, legal work and a diversity of employment in UK and internationally.

He is now a content grandfather.

Research interests

Emergence of Neo-Hindutva, Ahimsa-non-violence, Yoga and Indian Philosophy,  Modern postural Yoga, Contemporary and recent Indian History and Politics, Modern Indian ascetics and Gurus,  Ethnographic Visual elicitation of modern India, Anthropology, Religion and Political cross-disciplinary studies of Yoga India, Indian soft and hard Power, Masculinity and male orthodoxy in modern Hindutva, The Indian Majoritarian State and populist politics.

Contact Stewart